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CAPI07150 - CAP import licences: goods for which a mandatory CAP licence may be required

All goods that require a mandatory licence are shown in AnnexII of Regulation 376/2008, or can be found by looking at a commodity’s ‘Restrictions’ on TARIC. The only exceptions to these requirements are for goods:

  • which are in free circulation within the EU
  • imported in quantities falling below the de minimis levels tabled within Regulation 376/2008 (Annex II) where no claim to licence preference is being made. These de minimis levels are included in CHIEF standing data and the table is replicated in the RPA’s ET1 leaflet
  • imported from non-EU countries which are not entered for free circulation, eg IPR goods
  • for which a C88 declaration is not required, eg private belongings, or
  • qualifying as EU returned.

Merchandise in Baggage must be declared to Customs and are subject to normal licensing procedures.

Further details about these imports can be found in Section 12 of C1-4.