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CAPI11150 - Control procedures on importations of basmati rice: licences and Certificates of Conformity

Importers must have a zero import duty licence and a valid Certificate of Authenticity from the exporting country.

Import licences must state in the following boxes:

Box 8

An indication of the country of origin.

Box 20

The statement

‘Basmati rice falling within code of CN…and imported at a zero rate of duty under Regulation (EC) … accompanied by authenticity certificate No … drawn up by [name of the competent authority]’

Any quantity over and above the licensed quantity is subject to the full rates of Customs duty.

Certificates of Authenticity are valid for 90 days from the date of issue.

An importer applying to the RPA for a licence must present the original plus a copy.

The RPA endorses the copy, which the importer must present with the licence and the import declaration.