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CAPI13220 - Control procedures on importation of fresh fruit and vegetables: Entry Price System - Standard Import Value (SIV)

Note: This manual is under review following Brexit and is likely to be withdrawn. If there is anything within this manual you use regularly, please email to let us know. Please check the other guidance available on GOV.UK from HMRC.

Regulation 1580/2007, Article 138 and Regulation 2454/93 Art 248 (1) refer. The SIV (or entry price system) applies to the list of fruit and vegetables shown in CAPI20100.

They can also be identified in the Tariff within the Additional Notes to the relevant Chapter.

The EC Commission arrives at the SIV in exactly the same way as SPVs except they change daily at midnight.

The following entry prices may be used:

Free On Board (FOB) Value - Method 1

The importer may elect to pay duty against the FOB price plus delivery costs (freight and insurance). If that price is greater by more than 8% of the SIV at the time of declaration, security must be lodged in addition to the duty payable outright. The security must equal the difference between the amount of duty payable outright, and the amount which would have been paid if SIV had been chosen. For goods listed in Part B of CAPI20100, the security lodged must equal the difference between the amount of duty payable outright and the maximum amount of duty applicable to the product.

Examples of this method are shown in CAPI20150.

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Account Sales - Method 4(b)

Duty will be paid on deposit to be adjusted when the goods are sold. The value declared must be a reasonable estimate of the final value. At the time of importation security must be lodged in addition to duty payable outright. The security must be the difference between the outright amount and the amount which would have been paid if SIV had been chosen.

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The Standard Import Value (SIV)

SIV Rates are published daily through the Official Journal and an example of this method is shown in CAPI20150.