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CAPI18000 - Control procedures on the importation of poultry meat, eggs and egg albumin

Regulation 1484/95 introduces a system of safeguard charges to protect EU producers from imports of cheap poultry meat from non-EU countries. The charges are to ensure that importers pay a price comparable to those of the EU internal market. They do not apply to imports under the quotas referred to in EC Regulations 1385/2007 and 593/2004.

Within certain Member States the system has been found to be the subject of manipulation in order to evade payment of these charges. These have included:

  • incorrect declarations/carriage, insurance and freight (CIF), false invoices/ documents to artificially inflate values - the main risk area is where the trader inflates the CIF value and, for the purpose of this Regulation, the Commission have clarified CIF as equating to the FOB price in the Country of Origin, plus the transport and insurance costs up to the point of introduction to the EU
  • misclassification under CN code 0210 (salted chicken) - in order to qualify for this CN code, the salt content must be 5% throughout the product. In reality such a high salt content would render the product as virtually inedible and any product declared under this heading should receive close attention, as misclassification is likely, and
  • misclassification under CN code 1602 3210 00.

Detailed guidance on the examination and sampling of poultry meat may be found in the Poultry Meat Safeguard Charges and Examination and Sampling Good Practice Guides, accessed via the CAP UoE Intranet site.