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CBTM01030 - Overview and purpose: How to claim or get more information

Child Benefit claim forms and information

People may get a free bounty pack when their baby is born, which will contain a Child Benefit claim pack. Alternatively, a claim can be completed on line and printed off, or downloaded and completed by hand. Once completed the claim should be sent to an appropriate office, see CBTM02010. Alternatively you can get one from the Child Benefit Office.

Contacting the Child Benefit Office

By phone

The Helpline is open between 08:00 and 20:00 every day, except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.

If you live in the United Kingdom

Helpline 0845 302 1444

Minicom/Textphone 0845 302 1474

If your preferred language is Welsh 0300 200 1900

If you live outside the UK

Helpline 00 44 161 210 3086

Minicom/Textphone 00 44 191 225 1833

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Via the internet

Log on to:

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By post

Write to: Child Benefit Office

PO Box 1

Newcastle upon Tyne

NE88 1AA

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Guardian’s Allowance claim forms and information

Claim forms can be obtained by contacting the Guardian’s Allowance Unit. Alternatively, a claim can be downloaded and completed by hand. Once completed the claim should be sent to an appropriate office, see CBTM02010.

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Contacting the Guardian’s Allowance Unit

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By phone

The Helpline is open between 08:30 and 17:00 Monday to Friday, except Bank Holidays.

Helpline 0845 302 1464

Minicom/Textphone 0845 302 1474

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Via the internet

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Log on to:

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By post

Write to: Guardian’s Allowance Unit

Child Benefit Office

PO Box 1

Newcastle upon Tyne

NE88 1AA