CBTM01030 - Overview and purpose: How to claim or get more information

Child Benefit claim forms and information

Child Benefit can be claimed online, using the free HMRC app or on GOV.UK searching for ‘Child Benefit how to claim’, or by contacting the Child Benefit Office by phone.

Contacting the Child Benefit Office online

Ask HMRC’s digital assistant to find information about:

  • claiming Child Benefit
  • the High Income Child Benefit Tax Charge
  • any change of circumstances for you or your child which may affect your claim.

Ask HMRC online

You can use the official HMRC app to manage your Child Benefit claim.


For help and advice on Child Benefit

0300 200 3100

Outside UK:
+44 161 210 3086

Text Relay:

18001 0300 200 3100

Opening times:

Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays.


Write to HMRC if you have a question about Child Benefit and you cannot find an answer in the HMRC app.

HM Revenue and Customs — Child Benefit Office
PO Box 1
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE88 1AA
United Kingdom

Welsh Customer Services (WCS)

For customers who want to talk to us in Welsh. 


0300 200 1900


Welsh Language Unit 

Gwasanaeth Cwsmeriaid Cymraeg CThEF 


BX9 1ST 


Opening times: 

8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday


Guardian's Allowance claims form and information


Call HMRC to: 

find information about Guardian’s Allowance 

get a claim pack 

report a change of circumstances. 


0300 200 3100 

Text relay:
18001 0300 200 3100 

Opening times: 

Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm 

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays. 


HM Revenue and Customs — Guardian's Allowance Unit
Child Benefit Office
PO Box 1
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE88 1AA
United Kingdom