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Updates: Child Benefit Technical Manual


23 May 2024 published amendments

Residence and immigration: immigration - exceptions to the general exclusion

Adding Gibraltar to the list of RA countries as per the UK's agreement.

13 May 2024 published amendments

Residence and immigration: immigration - exceptions to the general exclusion

Update made to cover that a lawful worker must be working for an employer and have no restriction on working in the UK.

7 May 2024 published amendments

Claims, awards and rates: Time within which claim is to be made

updated to remove the requirement to provide an original birth certificate following the change in April 2023.

11 April 2024 published amendments

3 April 2024 published amendments

Payments: High Income Child Benefit Charge election

Change from Her to His Majesty’s

Payments: High Income Child Benefit Charge revocation

Changing from Her to His Majesty

2 April 2024 published amendments

Prescribed conditions for a child or qualifying young person: Education and training condition - meaning of ‘approved training’

PEACEPLUS Youth Programme 3.2 has replaced PEACE IV Children and Young People 2.1 as of 01/04/2024

Payments: High Income Child Benefit Charge election

Changes made due to the HICBC threshold update

Payments: High Income Child Benefit Charge revocation

Change made due to the HICBC threshold increase from April 2024

23 February 2024 published amendments

Residence and immigration: immigration - exceptions to the general exclusion

Removed reference to San Marino as entitlement to ChB for nationals from San Marino ended on 31/12/2020

16 January 2024 published amendments

Claims, awards and rates: Making a claim

Following a change in legislation the reference to relevant authority has been removed.


22 November 2023 published amendments

Residence and immigration: residence - right to reside in the UK

Information in the wrong place.

New note put in brackets under UK nationals.

16 November 2023 published amendments

Residence and immigration: immigration - exceptions to the general exclusion

Following confirmation from Solicitors and International Policy that the exceptions to Lawfully working are incorrect these have now been removed.

8 November 2023 published amendments

Residence and immigration: residence - right to reside in the UK

Including reference to Permanent right of Residence

7 November 2023 published amendments

Residence and immigration: contents

Legislation revoked this regulation from 27/10/2023.

Residence and Immigration: residence - living in the UK - the 3 month rule

Legislation revoked this regulation from 27/10/2023.


21 September 2022 published amendments

Residence and immigration: immigration - exceptions to the general exclusion

Added New Zealand and removed duplicate Switzerland reference.

29 March 2022 published amendments

European Law: contents

New sentence added to top of the page


4 August 2021 published amendments

Payments: High Income Child Benefit Charge election

Amendment to wording in the 1st paragraph, to make it clearer for customers based on feedback.

29 June 2021 published amendments

Data Protection


27 May 2021 published amendments

24 May 2021 published amendments

20 May 2021 published amendments

Residence and immigration: immigration - exceptions to the general exclusion

To reflect legislation

To reflect change in legislation

Changes made to reflect legislation

4 March 2021 published amendments

3 March 2021 published amendments

Withdrawal Agreement – The Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal Act) 2020

Correction in the title


Temporary change to the title to correct an error

2 March 2021 published amendments

5 February 2021 published amendments

Data Protection

Removed the text to correct a technical issue

External hyperlinks added


4 February 2021 published amendments

Data Protection

Updated the hyperlinks

Text removed to correct technical error. Will be re-instated once the blank sheet visible.

Entered the text and hypoerlinks

Correct spelling mistake

Correct a spelling mistake


9 October 2020 published amendments

Guardians Allowance: Entitlement - Children born to unmarried parents

Chnages made to the title to aid ease of understanding

8 October 2020 published amendments

24 August 2020 published amendments

3 June 2020 published amendments

2 June 2020 published amendments

Residence and immigration: residence - introduction

Updated to reflect changes to legislation.
UK removed from list of EEA countries

Residence and Immigration: residence - living in the UK - the 3 month rule

Amended to reflect changes in legislation

Residence and immigration: residence - right to reside in the UK

Chnanes to update changes to legislation

Formatting changes

Residence and Immigration: Immigration - People subject to immigration control

Updated to reflect changes in legislation


21 October 2019 published amendments

European Law: Determining whether a person is subject to the legislation of a Member State for the purpose of claiming UK family benefits under Regulation (EC) 883/2004

Page title amended

European Law: Priority rules in the event of overlapping entitlement to family benefits - background

Guidance amended to take account of the UK leaving the European Union

European Law: Priority rules in the event of overlapping entitlement to family benefits - Article 68 of Regulation 883/2004 and Article 58 of Regulation 987/2009

Guidance amended to take account of the UK leaving the European Union

European Law: Priority rules in the event of overlapping entitlement to family benefits, suspension and differential supplements - Article 68(2) of Regulation (EC) 883/2004

Guidance amended to take account of the UK leaving the European Union

European Law: Priority rules in the event of overlapping entitlement to family benefits - Articles 68(3) of Regulation (EC) 883/2004 and Articles 6 and 60 of Regulation (EC) 987/2009

Guidance amended to take account of the UK leaving the European Union

European Law: Article 59 of Regulation (EC) 987/2009 - Rules applicable where the applicable legislation and/or the competence to pay family benefits changes between Member States within a calendar month.

Guidance amended to take account of the UK leaving the European Union

European Law: UK family benefits - definition

New sentence added at the top of the page

European Law: UK family benefits - Article 67 of Regulation (EC) 883/2004

Guidance amended to take account of the UK leaving the European Union

European Law: Derived Rights - Article 60(1) of Regulation (EC) 987/2009

New sentence added to the top of the page

European Law: Orphans - Article 69 of Regulation (EC) 883/2004

Guidance amended to take account of the UK leaving the European Union


31 May 2018 published amendments

Residence and immigration: contents

Added a new page to advise on Saint Prix court ruling