CBTM07024 - Prescribed conditions for a child or qualifying young person: Education and training condition - meaning of ‘approved training’
Child Benefit (General) Regulations 2006, regulation 1, (3)
‘Approved training’ means arrangements made by the Government:
- in relation to England there is no 'Approved Training' from September 2013 as defined by Child Benefit Regulations.
Note: From September 2013 ‘Foundation Learning’ is treated as a study programme under full-time non-advanced education.
- in relation to Wales arrangements made by the Secretary of State under section 2 of the Employment & Training Act 1973. These are currently:
- ‘Foundation Apprenticeships’ or ‘Traineeships’ or'Jobs Growth Wales+'
- in relation to Scotland made by the Scottish Ministers under section 2 of the Employment and Training Act 1973, or by Scottish Enterprise or Highlands and Islands Enterprise under section 2 of the Enterprise and New Towns (Scotland) Act 1990. This is currently:
- 'No One Left Behind'
- in relation to Northern Ireland, made by the Department for Communities and/or the Department for the Economy. From the 1 June 2017, these are currently:
- PEACEPLUS Youth Programme 3.2
- Training for Success
- Skills for Life and Work