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CBTMUPDATE120410 - Child Benefit Technical Manual: recent changes

Below are details of the amendments that were published on 10 April 2012
(see the update index for all updates)

| Page | Details of update | || | CBTM01030 | Amended Welsh language line number to 0300 200 1900
  | | CBTM02120 | Uprating for Child Benefit - 2012-13 rates remain unchanged
  | | CBTM02130 | Uprating rates for Guardian’s Allowance - 2012-13 weekly rate up to £15.55
Regulation for Northern Ireland format changed to legal quote
Under Guardians living abroad, included reference to Regulation (EC) 883/2004
  | | CBTM03080 | Amend third bullet to read ‘as soon reasonably practicable after the change occurs, and….’
Include note and link to definitions of ‘appropriate office’ and ‘relevant authority’
  | | CBTM05010 | After ‘…person acting for the claimant, before…’ reword to ‘Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs made the arrangement for the payment of child benefit or guardian’s allowance into that account’
  | | CBTM05020 | Replace ‘/GA’ with ‘or Guardian’s Allowance’
  | | CBTM07020 | Reworded second paragraph following the third bullet to provide clarification
  | | CBTM07021 | Include ‘a higher national certificate’
  | | CBTM07024 | Amendments made for approved training

  • In England - ‘Access to Apprenticeships’ (from September 2011). Programme Led Apprenticeships removed
  • In Wales - ‘Traineeships’, ‘Foundation Apprenticeships’, Skillbuild or Skillbuild+

    Add note that there will be no new starters for ‘Skillbuild’, ‘Skillbuild+’ from 1 August 2011

  • In Scotland - Delete ‘Modern Apprenticeships’ and insert note including West Lothian Council’s Training Programme. Remove note referring to ‘Modern Apprenticeships’ in Scotland
  • In Northern Ireland - reword to read ‘or Training for Success’ including ‘Programme Led Apprenticeships’

    Under Northern Ireland amended to read ‘section 1 and 3 of the Employment and Training Act (Northern Ireland) 1950’
      | | CBTM07025 | Included reference to EC reg No 883/2004 at the fifth bullet
      | | CBTM07026 | Remove reference to Northern Ireland under definition of Careers Service
      | | CBTM08065 | Amendments made to reflect revised devolved regulations in respect of child or QYP in detention, care, and so on
    Amended to included references to section 22C(10) of the Child Act 1989
    Amendment made to reference for Northern Ireland legislation Article 27
    Amendment made to change Adoption Agencies Regulations 1983 to Adoption Agencies Regulations 2005, and inclusion of the Adoption Agencies Regulations (Wales) 2005
      | | CBTM10070 | Amended Worker Registration Scheme to include information about A8 nationals who have a right to reside on other grounds
      | | CBTM10080 | First paragraph amended to ‘EEA national parent in UK education’
    Second paragraph amended to ‘(employed; not self-employed)’
      | | CBTM11030 | Amendments made to regulations under which a voluntary organisation can claim ChB when placing a child or QYP in a person’s home