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CBTM07020 - Prescribed conditions for a child or qualifying young person: Education and training condition

Child Benefit General (Regulations) 2006, regulation 3

A person who has not attained the age of 20* is a qualifying young person if they are

  • undertaking a course of full-time education, see CBTM07022, which is not advanced education, see CBTM07021, and which is not provided by virtue of their employment or any office held by them which is

provided at a school or college; or

provided elsewhere but is approved by the Commissioners**;

part of a Study Programme in England from Sept 2013***

  • undertaking approved training, see CBTM07024, that is not provided by means of a contract of employment, or
  • having undertaken one of the above courses has been accepted or is enrolled to undertake a further such course.

*A person who is aged 19 is only a qualifying young person if they began or were accepted/enrolled on the course of education or training referred to above before attaining that age.

** A person is not a qualifying young person if they undertake full time non-advanced education somewhere other than at a school or college unless they received that education (as defined in the first bullet above) as a child at a place other than a school or college


begins to receive that education after attaining the age of sixteen and has received a statement of special educational needs and the local authority has assessed the programme of home education as being suitable for their special needs.

*** Study Programme - From Sept 2013 all students in England aged 16 to 19 can enrol on a Study Programme. Study programmes include traineeships (in England) and foundation learning. These are to be treated as full-time non-advanced education without the requirement that they be undertaken at a school or college.

{#IDA44USG}Studying both non advanced and advanced education

A young person undertaking both a non advanced and advanced educational course may continue to meet the qualifying conditions providing they meet the above conditions.

Example:A young person undertakes an educational course which includes both advanced and non-advanced education. Provided the time spent on non advanced education meets the full-time condition they can continue to be classed as a qualifying young person.

{#IDAO5USG}Working while undertaking relevant education or training

A young person may work and undertake relevant education or training providing they meet the above conditions.

Example:A young person works 25 hours a week during the evenings. Provided they are continuing their full-time non advanced education and that education is not being provided by an employer or any office they hold they can continue to meet the qualifying conditions.