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CCM14100 - Closing the enquiry: adjustment needed to the claim but a penalty is not appropriate

In these cases your enquiry will have established that the claim needs to be revised but you will not be seeking a penalty. This might be because the award is being increased. However in most cases you will be decreasing the award but following the guidance in CCM Chapter 10, CCM10000 (Penalties), you will not be seeking a penalty.

Remember you can only ever make one S19 decision at the conclusion of your enquiry. It is therefore important that you have all the information you need in order to correct the award as necessary. If you make a mistake when amending the award you will not be able to go back and amend the decision again.

At the closure stage you will need to:-

  • consider if adjustments are needed for an earlier or later year(s) - see CCM14105
  • inform the customer of your conclusion - see CCM14130
  • amend or terminate the award - see CCM14150
  • note TCW and Household Notes - see CCM14170
  • close the office records and retain papers locally