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CCM5475 - Working the examination: Process to obtain call history/transcript from Call Centre

When a claimant contacts the Call Centre the call is recorded. In most situations where a claimant tells you that they spoke to someone at the Call Centre you will be able to either accept what they say or give them the benefit of the doubt. Where you need to check exactly what they said and, if necessary, what advice they were given, you can consider asking for a copy of the call recording. Each Primary Office has a nominated officer who has access to Call Replay.

Where the Claimant Compliance Team Manager (CCTM) agrees that a call history or recording is required you should contact your nominated officer. The retrieved call will be stored in a BMoEI folder in each Primary Office. The nominated officer will advise on the process for obtaining the call recording.

Call histories/recordings should not be requested as a matter of routine. A request must be absolutely necessary. For example you will need to obtain one where you cannot accept the claimant’s version of what they said and you propose to charge a penalty or an appeal will have to go to the appeal tribunal or you have been asked to remit an overpayment under official error.