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CCM6390 - Particular Aspects: Child Care - CCO action where CCRO unable to contact child care provider

If the CCRO has put the award into payment and referred the case to you for examination or enquiry because they have been unable to contact the child care provider, you should attempt to contact the provider by phone at the outset.

You should tell the customer(s) in your opening letter that you will be doing this, and warn them that if you are still unable to contact the provider within 40 days you will amend / terminate their award. Use the standard letter templates TCC2 (Childcare) for post-award cases and TCC72 for pre-award cases.

You may ask a Compliance Support Officer to carry out the telephone contact for you. If you are unable to make contact, having tried to ring the provider at least twice a day over a period of 5 working days, you should write informally to the provider, following the guidance at CCM5500 . You should BF the papers for 35 days for a response. If you are unable to contact the child care provider by phone, and s/he does not respond to your letter, you should write to the customer(s) telling them you have failed to make contact. Ask the customer if they have any proof of their childcare payments. If the customer cannot or will not provide proof then write to them saying you have concluded they are not entitled to the child care element. You should use the letter TC634 at CCM21130 and you should also follow the guidance at CCM6440.

You must evaluate the provider’s responses yourself, see CCM6410, you must not ask the Compliance Support Officer to do this for you.