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CSLM10116 - FAQs: employers questions and answers: part time job. does annual limit still apply?

Suggested answer


The annual threshold normally applies to each employment regardless of the number of hours worked.

If the borrower has another part time job then you should simply allow your payroll software to calculate the deduction for you and it will not take any other earnings into account.

If however the borrower has more than one job with you, and you aggregate the income together for NIC purposes then you should do the same for Student Loan and or Postgradaute Loan deductions.

HMRC action



1. A borrower with two or more jobs may, at present, pay less than the amount we would expect to collect by reference to the threshold. For example if the borrower had two jobs, each paying £9000 per annum then no deductions would be made by the employers. Each employer has applied the legislation correctly.
2. No action will be taken to collect the apparent underpayment unless, for other reasons, the taxpayer has an SA record. In this case all income would be taken into account in the computation.
3. Do not set up an SA case just for Student Loans and Postgraduate Loan purposes.