Updates: Collection of Student Loans Manual
Complaints: student loan complaints: complaints - failure to deduct
Replaced redacted information with advice on how to rectify the failure to deduct
Complaints: student loan complaints: complaints - excessive deductions
Removed redacted information and included useful information on how over deductions are rectified and who deals with them
Complaints: student loan complaints: complaints - deductions after loan is repaid
removed redacted information and added information about the process to reduce deduction errors when loan is paid off.
Updated formatting and information to include gov.uk link
About CSL: Enquiries: queries from borrowers
Internal guidance for SLC contact removed.
Links added for student loan account, SLC contact page and relevant gov.uk guides.
FAQs: borrowers questions and answers: stopping making repayments: I have paid off my loan
Added more information about the process when a loan is paid in full. Included useful links to SLC and gov.uk for more information.
FAQs: borrowers questions and answers: my employer has deducted too much
Page was previously archived. Added information to answer the query and link to gov.uk for more information.
FAQs: borrowers questions and answers: deductions made in error: I do not have a new-style loan
Removed internal instructions as content duplicated with internal guidance.
FAQs: forms questions and answers: what do I do with a Start Notice issued in error?
Information was previously archived. Replaced with advice regarding start notice process for employers.
FAQs: borrowers questions and answers: amount of repayments: how much will I have to pay?
Replaced Archived information with information relevant for borrower queries and link to gov.uk.
Complaints: student loan complaints: complaints - exchange of information
Internal instruction removed and provided external advice on complaints procedure relevant to exchange of information.
About CSL: contact points: HMRC help lines
Removed internal guidance for staff helplines as it is already contained in the internal guidance hub
background: data protection act: contents
Update information to the current 2018 act and update links
Collection of Student Loans Manual: recent changes
Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required
Collection of Student Loans Manual: recent changes
Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required
Collection of Student Loans Manual: recent changes
Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required
Collection of Student Loans Manual: recent changes
Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required
Collection of Student Loans Manual: update index
Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required
FAQs: employers questions and answers: how much to deduct
Page CSLM10127 added
FAQs: borrowers questions and answers: making payments through my employer
Added new page CSLM11014
FAQs: borrowers questions and answers: making payments through self assessment
Added new page CSLM11264
Updated to remove duplicate note
Page archived note entered on the content box
Page archived as content within HMRC customer adviser guidance
FAQs: employers questions and answers: do I deduct a fixed amount?
Page Archived as content duplicated within HMRC Customer adviser Guidance
FAQs: borrowers questions and answers: amount of repayments: how much will I have to pay?
Page Archived as content duplicated within HMRC Customer adviser Guidance
FAQs: borrowers questions and answers: my employer has deducted too much
Page Archived as content duplicated within HMRC Customer adviser Guidance
FAQs: forms questions and answers: what do I do with an SL1 issued in error?
Page Archived as content duplicated within HMRC Customer adviser Guidance
FAQs: forms questions and answers: I have a query with form SL7R who do I speak to?
Archived no longer used
background: access to records: introduction
Archiving reason text added
background: features of SLS: contents
Archiving reason text added
background: access to records: SLBS view role
Archiving reason text added
background: access to records: user roles - general
Archiving reason text added
background: features of SLBS: introduction
Archiving reason text added
background: features of SLBS: date format
Archiving reason text added
background: features of SLS: employments framework
Archiving reason text added
background: features of SLBS: hover help
Archiving reason text added
background: features of SLBS: online help
Archiving reason text added
background: features of SLBS: system help
Archiving reason text added
background: features of SLBS: tabbing
Archiving reason text added
background: features of SLS: view functions
Archiving reason text added
Compliance: borrowers compliance: settlement procedures
From April 2017, contract settlements must be based on the customer's plan type threshold - plan 1 or plan 2
FAQs: borrowers questions and answers: I am self employed. how do I repay my loan?
New plan type added to the SA return.
FAQs: borrowers questions and answers: only income is unearned but I have an SA return
New plan type box added to the SA return
FAQs: forms questions and answers: I don’t know how to answer student loan questions on SA return
Addition of new plan type box on the SA return.
SL repayments: borrower within SA: completion of the SA return
From April 2017, the online SA return now includes a plan type box
FAQs: employers questions and answers: contents
New Employer FAQ section added for Variable Interest Rate