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CSLM3010 - About CSL: handling enquiries: queries from borrowers

Queries relevant to the Student Loans Company
Queries relevant to HMRC
Queries relevant to East Kilbride Student Loans Unit
Queries relevant to either the Student Loans Company or HMRC

Queries relevant to the Student Loans Company

Most of the borrower’s queries concerning Student Loans will be relevant to the Student Loans Company which is responsible for administering the borrower’s loan account.

Typical queries relevant to the Student Loans Company are

  • What is the balance on my loan account?
  • When will I repay my loan?
  • Can I defer making repayments due to hardship?
  • What is my plan type?

If the query is clearly proper to the Student Loans Company you should provide the borrower with the Student Loans Company telephone number. See CSLM1000 for more details.

Queries relevant to HMRC

HMRC is responsible for collecting Student and or Postgraduate Loan repayments from UK resident taxpayers, either

  • From the borrower’s pay, by deductions made by the employer


  • Through Self Assessment

Typical queries relevant to HMRC are

  • Why has my employer deducted Student and or Postgraduate Loan repayments?
  • Has my employer deducted too much from my wages?
  • Why are you demanding Student and or Postgraduate Loan repayments as part of my SA bill?

The information contained in this Manual and guidance contained in the Customer Adviser Guide (CAG) should enable you to handle the majority of queries from borrowers that are proper to HMRC. However, it may be necessary to refer a borrower to the HMRC specialists at the East Kilbride Student Loans Unit.

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Queries relevant to East Kilbride Student Loans Unit

East Kilbride Student Loans Unit are better placed to handle calls from certain borrowers because they have

  • Direct and regular contact with the Student Loans Company
  • The facility to manually repay Student and or Postgraduate Loan deductions


  • Access to the Student Loans Service which provides details of
  • Borrowers’ P14 details held on the Employments Framework


  • Periods for which the borrower was liable to Student and or Postgraduate Loan deductions

Areas of work relevant to East Kilbride Student Loans Unit are

  • Student and or Postgraduate Loan repayments where deductions have been made incorrectly by the employer. See section CSLM20000 for more information


  • Correspondence or telephone calls from borrowers regarding their own individual circumstances and resolution requires access to the borrower’s record on the Student Loan Service

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Queries relevant to either the Student Loans Company or HMRC

There will inevitably be cases where the responsibility for handling a particular query could lie with either the Student Loans Company or HMRC, (or both).

For example, if a borrower claims that a Stop Notice should have been operated by the employer because the loan has been repaid.

Query Responsibility
Has the loan actually been repaid? Student Loans Company
Has the Student Loans Company authorised the issue of a Stop Notice? Student Loans Company
Has the HMRC computer failed to issue the Stop Notice? HMRC
Has the employer failed to operate the Stop Notice? HMRC

In this type of case, you should obtain what information you can from the employer or borrower. If necessary you can refer difficult or complex cases to the East Kilbride Student Loans Unit (EKSLU) for assistance. (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

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(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) CSLM7000(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)