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CSLM3015 - About CSL: handling enquiries: queries from employers

Employers’ queries will always be the responsibility of HMRC. Although employers are being encouraged to telephone the Employers’ Help Line there will inevitably be queries received throughout the Network.

The employers’ responsibilities are limited to operating the Collection of Student Loans scheme in accordance with the Regulations and the advice given by HMRC in, for example, the website. In particular the employer has to

  • Commence making Student and or Postgraduate Loan deductions when instructed to do so using the correct loan and or plan type
  • Update payroll software to enable Student and or Postgraduate Loan deductions will be made
  • Stop making Student and or Postgraduate Loan deductions when instructed to do so
  • Remit deductions to HMRC

Queries from employers are therefore likely to be within these areas.

The employer does not have to identify borrowers and has no right to know details of any Student Loan taken out by an employee.

There will be occasions when the employer telephones on behalf of an employee. These queries will normally be the responsibility of the Student Loans Company. However, do not refer the employer to the Student Loans Company. Ask that the borrower contacts the Company directly

Note: The Student Loans Company’s Help Line number is on correspondence issued to the borrower.

For more information about frequently asked questions see CSLM10000 onwards. Full details of Student and or Postgraduate Loan deductions are given in this Manual.