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CSLM3020 - About CSL: handling enquiries: queries from the student loans company

Queries following the Matching Exercise

There will be circumstances in which, following an unsuccessful match, the Student Loans Company (SLC) will provide HMRC with borrower or employment details.

The Student Loans Company sends all correspondence to the East Kilbride Student Loans Unit (EKSLU). EKSLU will take steps to match these cases and notify SLC of the outcome.

Other Queries

You may receive queries from the Student Loans Company asking for various information regarding a borrower’s personal or employment details.

HMRC has an agreement with the Student Loans Company that certain information can be divulged to enable the Student Loans Company to maintain the borrower’s account. These include

  • Personal details, (name, address, NINO, date of birth, date of death)
  • Employment details
  • Earnings / income
  • Student and or Postgraduate Loan repayments deducted or paid

The borrower has agreed to the exchange of information when the loan was taken out as part of the loan conditions.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)