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CSLM3001 - About CSL: handling enquiries: introduction

The Collection of Student Loans scheme presents HMRC staff with a departure from traditional business activities, in particular because HMRC are working in partnership with

  • The Department for Education (DfE), formerly Business Innovation and Skills, (BIS)


  • The Student Loans Company

The nature of the Student Loans scheme produces some problems with which you will be unaccustomed. These include

  • Which partner within the Collection of Student Loans scheme is responsible for handling a specific query
  • What information can be passed between HMRC and the Student Loans Company

It is also necessary for HMRC staff to bear in mind the confidentiality of taxpayer’s information when dealing with the Student Loans Company and the increased potential for bogus callers.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

See CSLM10000 onwards for lists of questions that may be asked by borrowers or employers.