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CSLM13163 - FAQs: forms questions and answers: I don’t know how to answer student loan questions on SA return

Suggested answer

If the Student Loans Company have told you that repayment of your income contingent loan either commenced (or continues) during the tax year covered by the SA return and you have not received confirmation that the loan has been repaid you should:

  • If you are sending your SA return in paper form
  • Complete question 1 on page TR5 at the Student Loans section of the SA100 full tax return, or question 1.5 on page 1 of the SA200 short tax return, by entering ‘X’ in the box provided


  • If you are completing your SA return online
  • You will be asked to confirm if you have an Income Contingent Student Loan for which repayment began before 6 April (in the year covered by the SA return).
    You will confirm this by choosing ‘Yes’ from the drop down menu provided.
  • You will be asked which loan or plan type you are repaying this could be plan type 1, 2 or 4 and or postgraduate loan. If you are selecting plan type you will be asked to confirm the plan type by selecting Plan 1, Plan 2 or Plan 4, unless this is already pre-populated with the correct plan type. If you do not know your plan type then contact the Student Loans Company.
  • You will be asked if you have already had student loan and or postgraduate loan deductions taken from an employer. You should select the amount of deductions taken, if any, in this box. This information can be taken from your P60.

HMRC action


Note: The borrower should contact the Student Loans Company if they are unsure whether their loan is income - contingent or whether repayments have commenced.