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CSLM10262 - FAQs: employers questions and answers: forms, records and payment: how do I record student loan deductions?

Suggested answer

Unless you are within the small number of employers who are exempt from filing online you will need to use payroll software which will run your payroll for you. If you want to know more about filing online and the payroll options available go to

  • During the year
  • You need to send your monthly Full Payment submissions (FPS)
  • At the end of the year
  • Complete your final Full Payment Submission (FPS) and give your employee a P60 certificate. - Enter the amount of Student Loan and or Postgraduate Loan deductions made as a separate figure in the Student Loans and PGL box provided
  • When an employee leaves
  • P45 (Employee Leaving Details) - Enter ‘Y’ in the box headed ‘Enter Y if Student Loan deduction is due to be made’ if you have received a Start Notice or a previous form P45 with a ‘Y’ in the Student Loan box and you have not received a Stop Notice

Almost all employers are now required to file their annual return online, so there are big advantages to maintaining your records in an electronic format throughout the year.

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