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CSLM14010 - Matching records: the matching exercise: details sent by loans company for matching

The Student Loans Company receives details of borrowers leaving higher education.

These borrowers would normally be expected to begin making Student Loan and or Postgraduate Loan repayments from 6 April following the date of cessation.

Information relating to the borrowers is then transferred automatically to HMRC on amonthly basis to check whether there is a live PAYE or SA record.

Details sent by the Student Loans Company to HMRC

The details sent by the Student Loans Company as part of the automatic matching exercise are the borrower’s

  • Surname
  • NINO (normally verified by the Student Loans Company)
  • Date of birth


  • Student Loan Customer reference number and the repayment start date (although these are not used for automatic matching)

HMRC does not receive details of the borrower’s loan balances. This is confidential information and will not be divulged by the Student Loans Company.