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CSLM15015 - Matching records: unmatched records: student loans company action in unmatched cases

When the borrower’s computer record is returned to the Student Loans Company as unmatched, a form CNCD is sent to the borrower asking for

  • Confirmation that the details held on the Student Loans Company record are correct (NINO, surname, date of birth)
  • Details of current employment or self - employment

Subsequent action by the Student Loans Company depends on the information given by the borrower.

Borrower has employment and details on the Student Loans Company record are correct

In this case a match should have been achieved with a PAYE or SA record. The assumption must be that either

  • There is no PAYE or SA record for this borrower, (although there should apparently be one)


  • The details on the PAYE or SA record are incorrect and do not correspond with the information provided by the borrower to the Student Loans Company

The Student Loans Company will send a copy of the borrower’s reply to HMRC for action to be taken.

Borrower has employment but details on the Student Loans Company record are not correct

If the borrower’s reply indicates that the NINO or surname and date of birth details held on the Student Loans Company database are incorrect, Student Loans Company will

  • Amend their records
  • Include the case in the next automatic matching exercise

The borrower has no employment or self - employment

The Student Loans Company will issue further letters to the borrower in the future to ascertain the current employment position.

The borrower is not resident in the UK

The Student Loans Company will retain this case and any Student and or Postgraduate Loan repayments will be made directly to them.