CTM04620 - Corporation Tax: trading losses - relief against total profits: restriction of relief for uncommercial trading - meaning of ‘larger undertaking’
CTA10/S44 (2)
The disallowance of relief for uncommercial trading losses (see CTM04600) does not apply where:
- the trade forms part of a larger undertaking, and
- it is carried on with a view to profits in the undertaking as a whole.
There is no tax law definition of ‘undertaking’, but in company law (CA06/S1161) it means a body corporate or partnership, and an unincorporated association carrying on a trade or business, with or without a view to profit. In tax law it should be taken to mean ‘trading undertaking’. There are no decided cases on whether a larger undertaking:
- can embrace the trades of several companies in a group, or
- is confined to the activities of a single company.
In a straightforward case it may be accepted that a loss is available for set-off by way of group relief, provided the ordinary group relief rules are satisfied. Group relief is dealt with at CTM80100 onwards. An example of a straightforward case is where a manufacturing company in a group sells its products cheaply to a fellow group member wholesaling company. In a case like this the manufacturing company's loss may be accepted as available for set-off by way of group relief against the correspondingly inflated profit of the wholesaler.
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