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Updates: Company Taxation Manual


26 February 2025 published amendments

Corporation Tax: relief for expenditure on grassroots sport - CTA10/PART6A

Fixed error with out of sequence page numbering by setting up this page as a contents page and moving its guidance to CTM09501

27 January 2025 published amendments

Close companies: close investment holding companies: liquidation

Clarification provided for companies in administration for the application of s18N(5) CTA 2010

Small profits rate: financial year 2023 onwards: close investment holding companies

Updated to provide clarification of treatment for companies in liquidation and administration.


27 November 2024 published amendments

Corporation Tax: accounting periods: contents

New page CTM01515 covering accounting periods for companies in administration added

29 October 2024 published amendments

7 August 2024 published amendments

5 August 2024 published amendments

4 June 2024 published amendments

22 April 2024 published amendments

Distributions: demergers: clearance procedure and returns

Link to CG99998 replaced with 'Contacting Us page on the Capital Gains Network SharePoint site'

17 April 2024 published amendments

16 April 2024 published amendments

Distributions: general: tax consequences

SAIM5000 link amended so that it take you to the internal page

9 January 2024 published amendments


15 November 2023 published amendments

15 September 2023 published amendments

Introductory: meaning of ordinary share capital: how “ordinary” shares are distinguished

Update changes following review

Update changes following review.

7 September 2023 published amendments

7 August 2023 published amendments

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): group relief - general: consent to surrender

Second to last paragraph removed and new final paragraph added under subheading 'Contents of notice of consent to surrender'

14 July 2023 published amendments

21 June 2023 published amendments

Residence: outward company migration: guidance notes for migrating companies

Minor wording update to the statement for submitting a notice by email.

16 June 2023 published amendments

Residence: outward company migration: guidance notes for migrating companies

Final paragraph under 7) Enquiries amended to remove the telephone number

9 January 2023 published amendments

Corporation tax: restriction on relief for carried-forward losses: contents

guidance on recent legislation regarding an increase of deductions allowance in connection with onerous or impaired leases

adding new section for onerous leases

onerous lease guidance added


30 December 2022 published amendments

CTSA: quarterly instalments: large companies

Updated for the change to the associated company rules from 1 April 2023

CTSA: quarterly instalments: special cases

Updated for the change back to the associated company rules from 1 April 2023

13 December 2022 published amendments

Corporation Tax

link to new content added

11 November 2022 published amendments

24 October 2022 published amendments

12 September 2022 published amendments

6 September 2022 published amendments

4 August 2022 published amendments

CTSA: the filing obligation: prescribed form of CT600

Entries for CT600L and CT600M added to the table

1 August 2022 published amendments

Introductory: Meaning of company, profits and income

Clarification of the meaning of body corporate and joint-stock company.

13 June 2022 published amendments

30 May 2022 published amendments

21 April 2022 published amendments

20 April 2022 published amendments

Distributions: general: tax consequences

Update changes following review

14 March 2022 published amendments

1 March 2022 published amendments

Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company Taxation Manual: recent changes

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Company Taxation Manual: recent changes

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Company Taxation Manual: recent changes

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Company Taxation Manual: recent changes

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Company Taxation Manual: recent changes

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Company Taxation Manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company Taxation Manual: recent changes

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Company Taxation Manual: recent changes

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Company Taxation Manual: recent changes

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Company Taxation Manual: recent changes

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Company Taxation Manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: update index

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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Company taxation manual: recent changes

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28 February 2022 published amendments

Groups: group relief: surrendering company not UK resident: outline: periods up to 27 October 2021

Change to confirm that the UK's cross-border group relief legislation has been repealed with effect from 27 October 2021.


17 December 2021 published amendments

Corporation Tax self assessment: Revenue determination: contents

Links to CTM95460 and CTM95470 archived.

14 December 2021 published amendments

9 December 2021 published amendments

30 November 2021 published amendments

CTSA: penalties for late returns: Companies Act extension: Overseas company

Update changes following review.

CTSA: penalties for late returns: further time

Update changes following review.

CTSA: penalties for late returns: reasonable excuse: grounds

Update changes following review.

Update changes following review

29 November 2021 published amendments

26 November 2021 published amendments

CTSA: introduction: computer system

Archiving reason text added.

Page archived

CTSA: introduction: features from CTPF

Archiving reason text added.

Page archived.

CTSA: introduction: glossary of CTPF computer related terms

Archiving reason text added

Page archived.

CTSA: introduction: commencement date

Page archived.

Corporation Tax self assessment: introduction: contents

Links to CTM90110, CTM90120, CTM90160 & CTM90190 archived

CTSA: the filing obligation: filing date: definition

Archiving reason text added.

update changes following review

update changes following review.

update changes following review.

CTSA: the filing obligation: example

Page archived.

Page unarchived.

CTSA: the filing obligation: information about chargeable gains

Page archived.

CTSA: the filing obligation: prescribed form of CT200 (CTPF periods)

Page archived.

CTSA: the filing obligation: returns: signature

Page archived.

CTSA: the filing obligation: amended returns: CTPF

Page archived.

Corporation Tax self assessment: the filing obligation: contents

Links to CTM93010, CTM93130, CTM93150, CTM93170 & CTM93310 archived.

CTSA: the filing obligation: Returns

Update changes following review.

6 October 2021 published amendments

17 August 2021 published amendments

11 August 2021 published amendments

Close companies: loans to participators and arrangements conferring benefit on participator: contents

update changes following review.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): deducting and accounting for tax from distributions: contents

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): deducting and accounting for tax from distributions: deduction of tax from distributions made by Property AIFs

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): deducting and accounting for tax from distributions: gross payments and categories of investors entitled to receive gross payments

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): deducting and accounting for tax from distributions: the reasonable belief test with respect to gross payments

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): deducting and accounting for tax from distributions: certificates of deduction of tax

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): deducting and accounting for tax from distributions: submitting returns

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): deducting and accounting for tax from distributions: collection and payment of tax

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): deducting and accounting for tax from distributions: contents

Page archived. Links to CTM48861, CTM48862, CTM48863, CTM48864, CTM48865, CTM48866 & CTM48867 archived.

10 August 2021 published amendments

9 August 2021 published amendments

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of Property AIFs and distributions: general principles

Page archived

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of Property AIFs and distributions: calculation of the net income for the tax-exempt business

Page archived

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of Property AIFs and distributions: calculation of the net income for the residual business

Page archived

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of Property AIFs and distributions: charge to tax for distributions to holders of excessive rights

Page archived

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of Property AIFs and distributions: excess financing costs in a qualified investor scheme (QIS)

Page archived

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of Property AIFs and distributions: tax charge where there are excess financing costs in a qualified investor scheme

Page archived

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (property AIFs): tax treatment of Property AIFs and distributions: example of tax charge where there are excess financing costs in a qualified investor scheme

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of Property AIFs and distributions: cancellation of tax advantage

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of Property AIFs and distributions: attribution of distributions

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of Property AIFs and distributions: attribution of distributions- example 1

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of Property AIFs and distributions: attribution of distributions- example 2

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of Property AIFs and distributions: attribution of distributions- notes to examples

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of Property AIFs and distributions: company tax return

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of Property AIFs and distributions: contents

Page archived. Links to CTM48831, CTM48832, CTM48833, CTM48834, CTM48835, CTM48836, CTM48837, CTM48838, CTM48839, CTM48840, CTM48841, CTM48842 & CTM48843 archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: introduction

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: property income distributions: general principles

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: participants within the charge to corporation tax

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: participants within the charge to income tax - property income distributions

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: participants within the charge to income tax - PAIF distributions (interest)

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: participants within the charge to income tax - PAIF distributions (dividends)

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: participants within the charge to income tax -disposals

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: non-resident participants

Page archived.

AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: contents

Links to CTM48851, CTM48852, CTM48853, CTM48854, CTM48855, CTM48856, CTM48857 & CTM48858 archived. Page archived.

4 August 2021 published amendments

Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): introduction and conditions of membership for the regime: the balance of business condition

Archiving reason text added.

Page archived.

Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): introduction and conditions of membership for the regime: introduction

Page archived.

Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): introduction and conditions of membership for the regime: overview of conditions

Page archived.

Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): introduction and conditions of membership for the regime: the property investment business condition

Page archived.

Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): introduction and conditions of membership for the regime: foreign equivalents to ‘UK-REITs’

Page archived.

Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): introduction and conditions of membership for the regime: intermediate holding vehicles

Page archived.

Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): introduction and conditions of membership for the regime: the genuine diversity of ownership condition

Page archived.

Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): introduction and conditions of membership for the regime: the corporate ownership condition

Page archived.

Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): introduction and conditions of membership for the regime: the loan creditor condition

Page archived.

Property authorised investment funds (Property AIFs): introduction and conditions of membership for the regime: contents

Page archived. Links to CTM48811, CTM48812, CTM48813, CTM48814, CTM48815, CTM48816, CTM48817, CTM48818, & CTM48819 archived

8 July 2021 published amendments

Corporation Tax: trading losses - relief against total profits: preceding accounting periods: general

Updated to provide information about the temporary extension to the loss carry back rules that apply for accounting periods ending between 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2022.

7 July 2021 published amendments

Corporation Tax: loss-buying: trading activities becoming small or negligible

Updated to provide clarification on whether a trade has become small or negligible as a result of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

30 June 2021 published amendments

Corporation tax: restriction on relief for carried-forward losses: deductions allowance nominated companies

Updated to include FA21 changes that enable groups that have ceased to exist for the purposes of Part 7ZA to make a group allowance nomination following a corporate acquisition or demerger.

Corporation tax: restriction on relief for carried-forward losses: group allowance allocation statement

Updated for Finance Act 2021 amendments for GAAS submission requirements for groups that subject to a acquisition or demerger

Corporation Tax: loss-buying: change in ownership

Amendment for FA21 change that extends the definition of a change in ownership of a company to Chapter 2E Part 14 for acquisitions from 1 April 2021

Corporation Tax: loss buying: change in company ownership

Updated for FA21 amendment that extends the definition of a change in company ownership to Chapter 2E Part 14 CTA10 for acquisitions that take place on or after 1 April 2021.

Corporation Tax: Group relief for carried-forward losses: Restrictions

Updated for FA21 amendment that clarifies when a company can surrender carried-forward losses.

20 May 2021 published amendments

Distributions: impact on Corporation Tax: receipt by UK resident company

Republish to try and push link through to GOV.UK, no content change

19 May 2021 published amendments

18 May 2021 published amendments

Close companies: capital payments to settlors: introduction

update changes following review

update changes following review

update changes following review

Close companies: capital payments to settlors: interposition between settlor and trustee

update changes following review

update changes following review

Close companies: capital payments to settlors: associated payments

update changes following review

update changes following review

Close companies: capital payments to settlors: available income

update changes following review

Distributions: impact on Corporation Tax: receipt by UK resident company

update changes following review

update changes following review

12 March 2021 published amendments

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: introduction

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: basic rules

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: capital allowances

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: management expenses

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: relief for interest paid

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: loan relationships rules

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: derivative contracts

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: groups (before 1 April 2006)

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: distributions

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: dividend distributions

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: interest distributions

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: interest distributions - qualifying investments test

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: interest distributions - loan relationships

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: trading or investment

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: trading or investment - ‘investment transactions’

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: trading or investment - ‘investment transactions’ - relevant contracts

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: trading or investment - ‘investment transactions’ - loan relationships and related transactions

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: trading or investment - ‘investment transactions’ - units in a collective investment scheme

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: trading or investment - ‘investment transactions’ - securities

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: trading or investment - ‘investment transactions’ - carbon emission trading products

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: trading or investment - anti-avoidance

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: capital gains

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: groups and group relief claims

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: contents

Links to CTM48205, CTM48210, CTM48215, CTM48220, CTM48225, CTM48230, CTM48235, CTM48240, CTM48245, CTM48250, CTM48255, CTM48260, CTM48265, CTM48270, CTM48275, CTM48280, CTM48282, CTM48284, CTM48286, CTM48288, CTM48290, CTM48292 & CTM48295 archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): qualified investor schemes: contents

Links to CTM48705, CTM48710, CTM48715, CTM48720, CTM48725 & CTM48730 archived

Authorised investment funds: contents

Links to CTM48100, CTM48150, CTM48200, CTM48400, CTM48500, CTM48550, CTM48600 & CTM48700

10 March 2021 published amendments

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): qualified investor schemes: genuine diversity of ownership condition

Page archived

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): qualified investor schemes: treatment of certain investors in periods up to 31 December 2008

Page archived

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): qualified investor schemes: introduction

Page archived

Authorised investment funds: taxation of participants within the charge to IT: interest distributions

Archiving reason text added

Page archived’

Authorised investment funds: taxation of participants within the charge to IT: financial traders and diversely owned AIFs: special rules

Archiving reason text added

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds: taxation of participants within the charge to IT: disposals

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds: taxation of participants within the charge to IT: financial traders and diversely owned AIFs

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds: taxation of participants within the charge to IT: financial traders and diversely owned AIFs: meaning of "financial trader"

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds: taxation of participants within the charge to IT: contents

Links to CTM48555, CTM48560, CTM48565, CTM48570, CTM48575 & CTM48580 archived

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): structure, arrangement and tax status of funds: introduction

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): structure, arrangement and tax status of funds: umbrella funds or companies

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): structure, arrangement and tax status of funds: distribution accounts, period and date

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): structure, arrangement and tax status of funds: unit classes

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): structure, arrangement and tax status of funds: equalisation

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): structure, arrangement and tax status of funds: return of equalisation

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): structure, arrangement and tax status of funds: manager's equalisation

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): structure, arrangement and tax status of funds: treatment of manager's equalisation

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): structure, arrangement and tax status of funds: close companies

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): structure, arrangement and tax status of funds: contents

Links to CTM48405, CTM48410, CTM48415, CTM48420, CTM48425, CTM48430, CTM48435, CTM48440 & CTM48445 archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: capital gains

Archiving reason text added.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: groups and group relief claims

Archiving reason text added.

25 February 2021 published amendments

16 February 2021 published amendments

Authorised investment funds: taxation of participants within the charge to CT: contents

LInks to CTM48505, CTM48510, CTM48515, CTM48520, CTM48525, CTM48530, CTM48535 and CTM48540 archived.

20 January 2021 published amendments

18 January 2021 published amendments

Close companies: loans to participators and arrangements conferring benefit on participator: contents

accessible table being added

new page added to include accessible description of operation of bed and breakfasting rules


30 November 2020 published amendments

18 November 2020 published amendments

Tax elected funds (TEFs): application process and effects of entry to the TEF regime: contents

Links to CTM48921, CTM48922, CTM48923, CTM48924, CTM48925 and CTM48926 archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs): tax treatment and distributions made by TEFs: contents

Links to CTM48931, CTM48932, CTM48933 and CTM48934 archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: contents

Links to CTM48941, CTM48942, CTM48943, CTM48944, CTM48945 and CTM48946 archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs): provisions for providing tax information to participants: contents

Links to CTM48951, CTM48952, CTM48953, CTM48954, CTM48955 and CTM48956 archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs) : breaches of conditions : Contents

Links to CTM48961, CTM48962, CTM48963, CTM48964, CTM48965 and CTM48966 archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs) : leaving the TEF regime : contents

Links to CTM48971 and CTM48972 archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs): introduction and conditions of membership for the TEF regime: contents

Links to CTM48911, CTM48912, CTM48913, CTM48914, CTM48915 and CTM48916 archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs): contents

Links to CTM48910, CTM48920, CTM48930, CTM48940, CTM48950, CTM48960 and CTM48970 archived.

Authorised investment funds: taxation of participants within the charge to CT: loan relationships

Page archived.

Collective investment schemes: authorised investment funds: taxation of participants within the charge to CT: non-qualifying investments test

Page archived.

authorised investment funds: taxation of participants within the charge to CT: dividend distributions

Page archived.

Authorised investment funds: taxation of participants within the charge to CT: interest distributions

Page archived.

17 November 2020 published amendments

Tax elected funds (TEFs): introduction and conditions of membership: introduction

Page archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs): introduction & conditions of membership for the TEF regime: overview of conditions of membership

Page archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs): introduction & conditions of membership for the TEF regime: the property condition

Page archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs): introduction & conditions of membership for the TEF regime: the genuine diversity of ownership (GDO) condition

Page archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs): introduction & conditions of membership for the TEF regime: the loan creditor condition

Page archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs): introduction & conditions of membership for the TEF regime: the scheme documentation condition

Page archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs): application process and effects of entry to the TEF regime: introduction

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): application process and effects of entry to the TEF regime: key points about the application process

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): application process and effects of entry to the TEF regime: timing of the application process

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): application process and effects of entry to the TEF regime: contents of the application

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): application process and effects of entry to the TEF regime: HMRC refusal notice

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): application process and effects of entry to the TEF regime: effects of entry into the TEF regime

Page archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs): tax treatment & distributions made by TEFs: introduction

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): tax treatment & distributions made by TEFs: components of income received by a TEF

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): tax treatment & distributions made by TEFs: attribution of income and the distributions made by a TEF

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): tax treatment & distributions made by TEFs: tax treatment of components of income received by a TEF

Page archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: introduction

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: accumulation units

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: TEF distributions (dividends) - general treatment and taxation of investors within the charge to income tax

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: TEF distributions (dividends) - specific treatment for investors within the charge to corporation tax

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: TEF distributions (non-dividend) - general treatment and taxation of investors within the charge to income tax

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): tax treatment of distributions in the hands of participants: TEF distributions (non-dividend) - specific treatment for investors within the charge to corporation tax distributions

Page archived.

Tax elected funds (TEFs): provisions for providing tax information to participants: introduction

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): provisions for providing tax information to participants: basic rules for sending tax information to participants

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): provisions for providing tax information to participants: alternative rules for providing tax information to participants

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): provisions for providing tax information to participants: example of alternative rules for providing tax information to participants

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): provisions for providing tax information to participants: alternative rules for providing tax information to participants - tax information that should be retained by participants

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): provisions for providing tax information to participants: consolidated tax vouchers

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Tax elected funds (TEFs) : breaches of conditions : introduction

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): breaches of conditions: general provisions for breaching a condition

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): breaches of conditions: breach of the property condition, the genuine diversity of ownership condition & the scheme documentation condition

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): breaches of conditions: breach of the loan creditor condition

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): breaches of conditions: multiple breaches of separate conditions

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): breaches of conditions: information requirements

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): leaving the TEF regime: issue of termination notices by the TEF or HMRC

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Tax elected funds (TEFs): leaving the TEF regime: effects of leaving the TEF regime

Page archived.

16 November 2020 published amendments

9 November 2020 published amendments

2 November 2020 published amendments

Investment Trusts: contents

‘Page archived’

30 October 2020 published amendments

29 October 2020 published amendments

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Normal due date unaffected

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Discovery - general

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Discovery - affecting another company or accounting period

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Discovery - when prohibited

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Discovery - restrictions on the power to make

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Discovery - information available

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Discovery: Information available - onus on company

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Discovery - information available - prevailing practice

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments : Time limit

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Service of

‘Page archived’.


Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Appeals

‘Page archived’.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): genuine diversity of ownership condition (GDO): criteria required to meet the GDO

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Contents

Links to CTM95010, CTM95030, CTM95040, CTM95050, CTM95060, CTM95070, CTM95080, CTM95090, CTM95100, CTM95110 & CTM95130 archived.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): genuine diversity of ownership condition (GDO): advance clearance procedure

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): genuine diversity of ownership condition (GDO): what information should HMRC consider to check that the GDO has been met

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): genuine diversity of ownership condition (GDO): what information should HMRC consider in respect of the continuing requirement under Condition C of the GDO

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Authorised investment funds (AIFs): genuine diversity of ownership condition (GDO): contents

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Links to CTM48155 CTM48160 CTM48165 CTM48170 CTM48175.
Pages archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Discovery determination: General

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Discovery determination: Limitations on making

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Discovery determination: Restriction on power to make

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Discovery determination: Information available

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Discovery determination: Information available - onus on company

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Discovery determination: Information available - prevailing practice

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Discovery determination: Time limit

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Discovery determination: Appeals

‘Page archived’.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Discovery determination: Contents

‘Page archived’

28 October 2020 published amendments

Authorised investment funds: collective investment schemes: general: types of scheme

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Authorised investment funds: collective investment schemes: general: authorised unit trusts

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Page archived. Guidance not in the Investment Funds Manual.

Authorised investment funds: collective investment schemes: general: open-ended investment companies

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Authorised investment funds: collective investment schemes: general: unauthorised unit trusts

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Authorised investment funds: collective investment schemes: general: offshore funds

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Authorised investment funds: collective investment schemes: general: unit trust schemes

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Authorised investment funds: collective investment schemes: general: contents

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Links to CTM48110, CTM48115, CTM48120, CTM48125, CTM48130, CTM48135 & CTM48140 archived.

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Recovery of excessive repayments

‘Archiving reason text added’.

Authorised investment funds: collective investment schemes: general: authorised investment funds

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

Page archived. Guidance now in the Investment Funds Manual.

22 October 2020 published amendments

Investment trusts: interest distributions: introduction

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: when dividends can be designated as interest distributions

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: prospective investment trust - the intention and reasonable belief test

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: notification of interest distributions

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: qualifying interest income - general

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: qualifying interest income - derivatives

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: taxation of companies making interest distributions

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: taxation of investors receiving interest distributions

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: duty to deduct tax from interest distributions - general

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: gross interest distributions - automatic entitlement

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: gross interest distributions - reputable intermediary condition

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: gross interest distributions - evidence required to demonstrate the residence condition

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: gross interest distribution - guidance notes on not-ordinarily resident investors

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: tax vouchers - introduction

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: tax vouchers - basic rules for sending tax information to recipients

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: tax vouchers - alternative rules for providing tax information to recipients

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: tax vouchers - example of alternative rules for providing tax information to recipients

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: tax vouchers - tax information that should be retained by recipients where alternative rules for providing tax information is adopted

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: tax vouchers - consolidated tax vouchers

‘Page archived’.

Investment trusts: interest distributions: duty to keep and preserve records

‘Page archived’.

Investment Trusts: contents

Links to CTM47505, CTM47510, CTM47515, CTM47520, CTM47530, CTM47535, CTM47540, CTM47550, CTM47555, CTM47560, CTM47565, CTM47570, CTM47575, CTM47580, CTM47585, CTM47590, CTM475495, CTM47596 archived

Links to CTM47100, CTM47150, CTM47200, CTM47300, CTM47400 & CTM47500 archived

Investment trusts: interest distributions: contents

Links to CTM47505, CTM47510, CTM47515, CTM47520, CTM47525, CTM47530, CTM47535, CTM47540, CTM47545, CTM47550, CTM47555, CTM47560, CTM47565, CTM47570, CTM47575, CTM47580, CTM47585, CTM47590, CTM47595, CTM47596

20 October 2020 published amendments

16 October 2020 published amendments

Investment trusts: general: contents

Archiving reason text added

update changes following review

8 October 2020 published amendments

Residence: dual resident companies: advice from Head Office

update changes following review

update changes following review

Residence: dual resident companies: reports to Business International

update changes following review

update changes following review

7 October 2020 published amendments

6 October 2020 published amendments

2 October 2020 published amendments

Residence: dual resident companies: advice from Head Office

update change following review

update changes following review

update changes following review

Residence: dual resident companies: reports to Business International

update changes following review

update changes following review

1 October 2020 published amendments

29 September 2020 published amendments

Particular topics: transactions in securities: condition A

update changes following review

update changes following review

9 September 2020 published amendments

Distributions: general: transfer of assets and liabilities by/to members

Clarification of HMRC view and editorial changes.

8 September 2020 published amendments

Distributions: general: dividends and tax law

Clarification and amplification.

1 September 2020 published amendments

28 July 2020 published amendments

Income Tax: accounting for tax deducted from interest etc

Correction of references and clarification.

23 July 2020 published amendments

9 July 2020 published amendments

26 June 2020 published amendments

18 June 2020 published amendments

CTSA: the filing obligation: general

Guidance on notifying chargeability to CT.

16 June 2020 published amendments

CTSA: quarterly instalments: early repayment

Guidance update to deal with claims due to exceptional circumstances.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: repayment before liability finally established

Guidance update to include claims in exceptional circumstances

Corporation Tax self assessment: the filing obligation: contents

CTM93255 page added

8 June 2020 published amendments

11 May 2020 published amendments

4 May 2020 published amendments

30 April 2020 published amendments

22 April 2020 published amendments

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Discovery Assessments and Determinations General

update changes following review

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Recovery of excessive repayments

update changes following review

CTSA: Revenue determination: Dates payable

update changes following review

CTSA: Revenue determination: Superseded by SA

update changes following review

CTSA: Revenue determination: Proceedings for tax started: company makes return

update changes following review

CTSA: Revenue determination: Estimated assessments

update changes following review

CTSA: Revenue determination: Negative amounts

update changes following review

CTSA: Revenue determination: Conclusiveness of amount

update changes following review

CTSA: Revenue determination: What to determine

update changes following review

CTSA: Revenue determination: Estimated determination

update changes following review

CTSA: Revenue determination: Finality

update changes following review

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Discovery determination: General

update changes following review

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): group relief - general: Introduction

update changes following review

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): group relief - general: Claim to be made in return

update changes following review

CTSA: Loans to participators: General

update changes following review

CTSA: Loans to participators: Claims to relief - General

update changes following review

CTSA: Loans to participators: Claims to relief - Action to take

update changes following review

3 April 2020 published amendments

Corporation Tax: rates of tax

Updated for rate for FY 2020

31 March 2020 published amendments

30 March 2020 published amendments

CTSA: the filing obligation: correction of return by HMRC

update changes following review

CTSA: Penalties for late returns: General

update changes following review

CTSA: Penalties for late returns: Exceptions

update changes following review

CTSA: Penalties for late returns: Other types of penalty

update changes following review

CTSA: Penalties for late returns: Flat and higher rate penalties

update changes following review

CTSA: Penalties for late returns: Tax-related penalties

update changes following review

CTSA: Penalties for late returns: Amount of tax unpaid

update changes following review

update changes following review

26 March 2020 published amendments

CTSA: the filing obligation: delivery of return

update changes following review

25 March 2020 published amendments

13 March 2020 published amendments

3 March 2020 published amendments

Distributions: purchase of own shares: special treatment for unquoted companies

Update contact details

CTSA: introduction: background

Updated for current legislative references

CTSA: introduction: applicable legislation

Removed references to CTPF

CTSA: introduction: differences from ITSA

Updated for current terminology

13 January 2020 published amendments


2 December 2019 published amendments

Particular bodies: farming

Clarification and spell correction.

25 September 2019 published amendments

4 September 2019 published amendments

30 August 2019 published amendments

Important Terms

Amended to a clearer heading

17 June 2019 published amendments

Particular bodies: scientific research associations

Updated contact details for Leicester R&D

13 June 2019 published amendments

Corporation Tax: Group relief for carried-forward losses: General

This amendment advises that group relief for carried-forward losses is restricted where there is a change in ownership of a company.

6 June 2019 published amendments

Introduction: preface

links to the current procedures for clearances added

Amendment - to clarify who the clearance system is for

4 June 2019 published amendments


amend subpage list

13 May 2019 published amendments

30 April 2019 published amendments

Introduction: abbreviations used

Companies Act added to table

23 April 2019 published amendments

8 April 2019 published amendments

CTSA: the filing obligation: filing date: examples

Updated examples


CTSA: the filing obligation: delivery of return

Update to take account of on-line filing

CTSA: the filing obligation: Delivery of return: interpretations

Updated to include a company delivering a voluntary return and updated team name.

CTSA: The filing obligation: Amended returns

Updated content -various


Hyperlink to EM1510 added

CTSA: the filing obligation: delivery of return: content

Removal of TMA reference and other references no longer needed

3 April 2019 published amendments

Corporation Tax: rates of tax

Updated to add CT Rates for 2019 Main and ring-fenced

CTSA: the filing obligation: filing date: detail

Update of material including updating of dates on the table

Amendment to format

18 February 2019 published amendments

Close companies: tests: specific exceptions

Amended lists to meet GOV.UK requirements - now numeric -appeared as a mixture of numeric and alphabetical on GOV.Uk

amended hyperlink

28 January 2019 published amendments

Particular topics: companies in partnership: introduction

To remove duplication on

Amended link

17 January 2019 published amendments


18 December 2018 published amendments

Consortia: group relief: application of rules

Added missing opening sentence leading to bullet points

14 December 2018 published amendments

Corporation Tax: rates of tax

CT Rate information updated to 2018 CT rate

Distributions: general: valuations

Amendment to HMRC internal guidance link

Residence: outward company or permanent establishment migration: liabilities arising: deferral of exit charges: exit charge payment plan: general

minor error in text corrected - controlling 'company' amended to controlling 'director' -reflects legislation

Particular topics: transactions in securities: clearance: internal communications

Change of title from Customer Relation Manager to Customer Compliance Manager

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: definitions of terminology

guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: convertible shares and securities

guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: business results dependency test

guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: equity holders - special rule

guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: equity holders - banks

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: equity holders - subsidiary profits available to

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: equity holders - subsidiary assets available to

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: equity holders - percentage of profits available to

guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: equity holders - notional winding-up

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: returned amounts

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: limited rights

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: effect of limitation of rights

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: varying rights for different accounting periods

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: varying rights for different accounting periods - effect

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: varying and limited rights - effect

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: entitlement different - effect

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: option arrangements

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: option rights exist

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: option, limited & varying rights

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: option arrangements - Board's policy

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: examples - background

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: example 2 - limited rights

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: example 3 - varying rights for different accounting periods

Guidance update

Groups & consortia: groups - entitlement to profits or assets available for distribution: example 4 - option rights

Guidance update

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: Due dates

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: repayment before liability finally established

Title change

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: late payment interest

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: late payment interest - tax deductible

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: carry-back of trading losses or non-trading deficit - late payment interest

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: carry-back of trading losses or non-trading deficit - late payment interest - example 3

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: carry-back of trading losses or non-trading deficit - late payment interest - example 4

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: credit interest

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: repayment interest

Complete update of section.

CTSA: quarterly instalments: scope

Repaired hyperlinks

CTSA: quarterly instalments: identification of large companies

Amendments to reflect changes made as a result of rate unification in FA2015

CTSA: quarterly instalments: debit interest

Layout of the final paragraph amended to make it clearer

CTSA: quarterly instalments: credit interest

hyperlink added and minor grammar changes

CTSA: quarterly instalments: SA recorded

Minor text changes - for example 'Revenue' to HMRC

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Discovery Assessments and Determinations General

Complete update to section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Appeals

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Assessments: Recovery of excessive repayments

Complete update to section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): Discovery determination: Restriction on power to make

Complete update of the section.

Groups: group relief: group relief and partnerships

PDF example removed. Now hyperlinked to examples

CTSA: quarterly instalments: very large companies

check typo

CTSA: quarterly instalments: very large companies: due dates: 12 month accounting period

Add hyperlink

CTSA: quarterly instalments: very large companies: due dates: accounting period less than 12 months

Add hyperlinks

CTSA: quarterly instalments: very large companies: bank levy

Add hyperlinks

16 October 2018 published amendments

Income Tax: collection of tax on annual payments: relevant payments not returned

Additional text to show position with DTAs. First change did not work with GOV.UK so trying again

11 October 2018 published amendments

Income Tax: collection of tax on annual payments: relevant payments not returned

Additional paragraph on the obligation to deduct IT. Clarification

10 October 2018 published amendments

Income Tax: collection of tax on annual payments: relevant payments not returned

Additional text to take account of the treatment at INTM413230

4 September 2018 published amendments

1 August 2018 published amendments

Corporation Tax: change of ownership: Shell Companies: contents

Guidance update

guidance update

Guidance update

Corporation Tax

guidance update

Corporation Tax: transfer of deductions

guidance update

25 July 2018 published amendments

Particular topics: company winding up TAAR: condition D

Clarification of language

Clarification of legislation - more detail

Particular topics: company winding up TAAR: condition C: ‘involved with’

Clarification of legislation

18 May 2018 published amendments

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): group relief - general: time limit - late claims - SP5/01 - guidance on

Amended to add link to BAI submissions information

redaction of link to submission templates

26 March 2018 published amendments

19 February 2018 published amendments

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): capital allowances: time limit - extended in enquiry

two dates in examples 1 & 2 corrected.

Groups: group relief: group relief and partnerships

Hyperlink to examples amended to be available in GOV.UK

7 February 2018 published amendments

Particular bodies: retirement benefits schemes

amended to say registered pension scheme

Groups: group relief: group relief and partnerships

Amendments to reflect legislation including correction to reference in the heading

29 January 2018 published amendments

25 January 2018 published amendments

Groups: group relief: contingent arrangements

Correction by the removal of incorrectly inserted word 'not'

11 January 2018 published amendments

Corporation Tax

Chapter added

New chapter added

10 January 2018 published amendments

Corporation Tax: charitable donations relief: contents

References to "formerly charges to income" removed from headings

9 January 2018 published amendments

CTSA: the filing obligation: estimated figures in returns

Legislation references updated to FA07

Corporation Tax: charitable donations relief: introduction

Removes most antiquated references to "charges" and explains how system developed.

Corporation Tax: charitable donations relief: definition of qualifying charitable donations

Updated to reflect legislation

Simplifies and updates


22 November 2017 published amendments

30 August 2017 published amendments

31 July 2017 published amendments

6 July 2017 published amendments

5 July 2017 published amendments

28 June 2017 published amendments

Particular topics: company dissolution: company not dissolved

Duplication of 'not dissolved' removed

removal of duplication from title

27 June 2017 published amendments

Particular topics: company winding up etc.: distributions

Directorate name updated and reference to left hand bar removed

CT&BIT added to 'Technical Help'

14 June 2017 published amendments

31 May 2017 published amendments

Close companies: loans to participators and arrangements conferring benefit on participator: general

amendment to reflect rate changes

CTSA: Revenue determination: Time limit

Change of time from 5 years to three years for making Revenue determination amended by FA 2008 S118.

22 May 2017 published amendments

CTSA: quarterly instalments: debit interest

Hyperlink to CTM 92190 added

CTSA: quarterly instalments: 'quarterly instalment payer' (QIP) signal

Inspector changed to officer

Layout of bullets

CTSA: quarterly instalments: calculating debit and credit interest

Minor text changes

CTSA: quarterly instalments: handling interest: examples

Dates written out in full

CTSA: quarterly instalments: intra-group surrender: legislation

Minor text changes

CTSA: quarterly instalments: information powers

Minor text amendments including Regulation abbreviated to REG. 'Officer' replacing 'you'

CTSA: quarterly instalments: early repayment

You amended to officer - Regulation to REG and other minor drafting changes

17 May 2017 published amendments

CTSA: quarterly instalments: amount due at each instalment: formula

Updated as a result of - Rate unification FA2015

CTSA: quarterly instalments: company procedure

changes made as a result of rate unification in FA 2015

16 May 2017 published amendments

CTSA: quarterly instalments: special cases

Changes as a result of the rate unification in FA2015

CTSA: quarterly instalments: due dates: 12 month accounting period

Amendments to reflect changes made as a result of rate unification in FA2015

Amended bullets

CTSA: quarterly instalments: due dates: 12 months accounting period: examples

amendments to reflect changes made as a result of rate unification in FA2015

CTSA: quarterly instalments: due dates: accounting period less than 12 months: examples

Dates changed to text - and small drafting changes

9 May 2017 published amendments

CTSA: quarterly instalments: legislation

changes made as a result of rate unification in FA 2015

changes made as a result of rate unification in FA 2015

CTSA: quarterly instalments: scope

Updated to reflect legislative change - changes made as a result of rate unification in FA 2015

CTSA: quarterly instalments: large companies

changes made as a result of rate unification in FA 2015

Hyperlinks amended

2 May 2017 published amendments

20 April 2017 published amendments

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: general

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: amounts payable/repayable

Complete update of section.

Title change

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: repayment before liability finally established

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: repayment before liability finally established - open appeal

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: repayment of IT

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: payment of tax credit

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: repayment of CIS25/SC60 tax

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: interest revision for unremittable overseas income or gains

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: carry-back of trading losses or non-trading deficit - late payment interest - summary of examples

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: carry-back of trading losses or non-trading deficit - late payment interest - example 1

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: carry-back of trading losses or non-trading deficit - late payment interest - example 2

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: credit interest and repayment interest are taxable

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: carry-back of trading losses or non-trading deficit - repayment interest

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: repayment - intra-group surrender - CTA2010/S963

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: repayment - intra-group surrender - joint notice

Complete update of section.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: repayment before liability finally established - CTPF

Page archived as relating to CT Pay and File.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: ACT carry-back - late payment interest

Page archived as relating to CT Pay and File.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: carry-back of trading losses or non-trading deficit - late payment interest - example 5

Page archived as relating to CT Pay and File.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: carry-back of trading losses or non-trading deficit - late payment interest - example 6

Page archived as relating to CT Pay and File.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: displaced ACT carried back - late payment interest

Page archived as relating to CT Pay and File.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: ACT carry-back - repayment interest

Page archived as relating to CT Pay and File.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: trading loss carry-back - ICTA88/S242 - repayment interest

Page archived as relating to CT Pay and File.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: displaced ACT carried back - repayment interest

Page archived as relating to CT Pay and File.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: giving effect to carry-backs

Page archived as relating to CT Pay and File.

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): the payment obligation: contents

Archived pages removed from contents.


19 April 2017 published amendments

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): group relief - general: Introduction

Removed references to CT Pay and File.

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): group relief - general: Claim to be made in return

References to CT Pay and File removed.

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): group relief - general: amount to be claimed

Reference to legislation updated.

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): group relief - general: surrender of losses

References to legislation updated.

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): group relief - general: simplified arrangement

References to legislation updated.

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): group relief - general: time limit

Reference to CT Pay and File removed. Examples updated.

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): group relief - general: time limit - enquiry cases

Examples updated.

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): group relief - general: time limit - late claims

References to legislation updated.

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): group relief - general: time limit - late claims - SP5/01 - text

References to Inland Revenue updated.

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): group relief - general: time limit - late claims - SP5/01 - guidance on

Procedure updated.

Corporation Tax: small profits relief: associated company - definition

Amended legislative references

Corporation Tax: small profits relief: accounting period straddling financial year - differing relevant amounts or limits

Reference to ICTA removed and paragraph on APs straddling 31 March 2015 or after added

Corporation Tax: small profits relief: risk assessment

Amended text

18 April 2017 published amendments

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): capital allowances: time limit - extended in enquiry

References to legislation updated.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): capital allowances: time limit - HMRC may extend

References to legislation updated.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): capital allowances: CT Pay and File (CTPF) - claim must be in return

Page archived.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): capital allowances: CT Pay and File (CTPF) - time limit

Page archived.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): capital allowances: CT Pay and File (CTPF) - conditional claims

Page archived.

Corporation Tax: rates of tax

Amended text and table updated to 2015

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): capital allowances: CT Pay and File (CTPF) - time limit - HMRC power to extend

Page archived as relating to CT Pay and File procedures.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): capital allowances: CT Pay and File (CTPF) - time limit - late claims

Page archived.

Corporation Tax self-assessment (CTSA): capital allowances: CT Pay and File (CTPF) - consequential assessments or amendments

Page archived.

Corporation Tax self assessment (CTSA): capital allowances: contents

Links to CTM98100, CTM98110, CTM98120, CTM98130, CTM98140 and CTM98150 removed.

Corporation Tax: small profits relief: financial years up to and including 2014: introduction

Updated to take account of the abolition from 2015 of the small profits relief

Corporation Tax: small profits relief: rates, limits & fractions

Text and table updated to 2014

14 March 2017 published amendments

Residence: outward company or permanent establishment migration: liabilities arising: deferral of exit charges: background

Adds an example of what might be seen as a serious risk to collection of tax.

Residence: outward company or permanent establishment migration: liabilities arising: deferral of exit charges: exit charge payment plan: general

Adds explanation of what factors to take into account in assessing risk to colletion of tax.

Residence: outward company or permanent establishment migration: liabilities arising: deferral of exit charges: exit charge payment plan: action in HMRC offices: technical issues

Emphasises need to consider the possibility of recovering tax from another group company or from a controlling director when considering need to seek security.