CTM01000 - Corporation Tax
CTM01400Accounting periods
CTM01750Rates of tax
CTM01800Due date of payment
CTM02000Computation of income
CTM02250Chargeable gains
CTM02350Capital allowances
CTM03500Small profits relief
CTM03900Small profits rate: Financial year 2023 onwards
CTM04000Trading losses - general
CTM04500Trading losses - relief against total profits
CTM04800CT loss reform: contents
CTM05000Restriction on relief for carried-forward losses: contents
CTM06000Company reconstructions
CTM06300Loss buying
CTM06500Company purchase schemes
CTM06600Change of ownership: Shell Companies
CTM06700Loss buying: accounting periods from 1 April 2017
CTM07000Transfer of deductions
CTM07500Loss refresh / tax avoidance involving carried forward losses
CTM07900Targeted anti-avoidance rule: contents
CTM08000Management expenses
CTM08700Change of ownership - companies with investment business
CTM09000Charitable donations relief
CTM09500Relief for expenditure on grassroots sport - CTA10/PART6A