CTM04800 - Corporation tax: CT loss reform: contents
CTM04835Administrative requirements for the deductions allowance
CTM04836Template for the group allowance allocation statement
CTM04850Group relief for carried-forward losses
CTM04880Commencement and apportionment
CTM04890Commencement: companies affected by the corporate interest restriction
CTM04900Commencement: note concerning examples
CTM04910Commencement: example 1: company makes overall loss in the AP straddling 1 April 2017
CTM04920Commencement: example 2: alternative treatment of NTLRDs arising in the AP straddling 1 April 2017
CTM04930Commencement: example 3: company makes overall profit in the AP straddling 1 April 2017: no carried-forward losses relieved in the period
CTM04940Commencement: example 4: company makes overall profit in the AP straddling 1 April 2017: carried-forward losses relieved in the period
CTM04950Commencement: example 5: company makes overall profit in the AP straddling 1 April 2017: carried-forward losses relieved in the period and losses carried-forward from the period
CTM04960Commencement: example 6: company makes overall profit in the AP straddling 1 April 2017: carried-forward losses relieved in the period and group relief
CTM04970Commencement: example 7: company makes overall profit due to the effects of the corporate interest restriction