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CTM93300 - CTSA: The filing obligation: Amended returns

Under FA98/SCH18/PARA15 a company can amend information originally entered in its return and make corresponding amendments to its SA. It can amend the return at any time up to twelve months from the statutory filing date, providing notice of amendment is received by that date.

When it makes a return for a wrong period the time allowed for making an amendment is twelve months from what would be the filing date if the period for which it made the return was an accounting period.

A company must make an amendment by notice to an officer of HMRC. The notice must

  • be in such form, and
  • contain such information, and
  • be accompanied by such statements,

as may reasonably be required.

Currently, HMRC does not propose to prescribe the form and content of an amended return, or to provide an official form for amended returns.

Instead, companies and their agents can amend company tax returns informally, in correspondence.

The only exception to this is if the amendment to the return involves Research and Development reliefs and/or Creative Industries reliefs. Details about the form and content required for these reliefs are in the R&D Manual (CIRD81800) and the creative relief manuals. The creative reliefs are those listed on GOV.UK .

If a company is in a simplified arrangement for group relief purposes, see CTM97000 onwards, and the amendment to its return will lead to a change in group relief, then the joint amended return must include an amended SA for that company. See the Enquiry Manual at EM1510 for guidance on making enquiries into returns and amended returns.

A company can amend its return while it is under enquiry, provided it is in time to do so under FA98/SCH18/PARA15(4). However any change that affects the tax payable, or the liability of another company, is effective only once you complete the enquiry (FA98/SCH18/PARA31).