CTM93000 - Corporation Tax self assessment: the filing obligation: contents
CTM93020Specified and return periods
CTM93030Filing date - definition
CTM93040Filing date - detail
CTM93050Filing date - examples
CTM93060Filing date - further time
CTM93070Filing date - Companies Act extension
CTM93080Delivery of return
CTM93090Delivery of return - content
CTM93100Delivery of return - interpretations
CTM93110Delivery of return - Must include SA
CTM93120Information about partnership income
CTM93140Prescribed form of CT600
CTM93160Substitute return forms
CTM93180Accounts to be delivered
CTM93190Period accounts to cover
CTM93220Computations - in round thousands
CTM93230Insurance companies
CTM93240Overseas companies
CTM93250Overseas companies - branches of
CTM93255Overseas companies: otherwise within the charge to corporation tax
CTM93260Unsatisfactory return and online filing
CTM93270Unsatisfactory return - action to take
CTM93280Estimated figures in returns
CTM93290Estimated figures in returns - ICAEW Technical Release 12/92
CTM93300Amended returns
CTM93330Correction of return by HMRC