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CTM20065 - ACT: General: Rate of ACT

The rate of ACT was expressed as a fraction of the amount or value of the qualifying distribution (CTM20070).

Where the rate of ACT for any financial year differed from that for the preceding year, see CTM22250 onwards.

Table of ACT rates

Period or financial year Fraction Statutory provision
6 April 1973 to 31 March 1974 3/7 FA72/S84 (2)
1974 33/67 FA74/S12
1975 35/65 F2A75/S28
1976 35/65 FA76/S26
1977 34/66 FA77/S19
1978 33/67 FA78/S16
1979 3/7 F2A79/S6
1980 3/7 FA80/S20
1981 3/7 FA81/S21
1982 3/7 FA82/S22
1983 3/7 FA83/S12
1984 3/7 FA84/S19
1985 3/7 FA85/S35
1986 29/71 FA86/S17
1987 27/73 FA86/S17
1988 25/75 ICTA88/S14 (3)
1989 25/75 ICTA88/S14 (3)
1990 25/75 ICTA88/S14 (3)
1991 25/75 ICTA88/S14 (3)
1992 25/75 ICTA88/S14 (3)
1993 9/31 ICTA88/S14 (3)
1994 1/4 ICTA88/S14 (3)
1995 1/4 ICTA88/S14 (3)
1996 1/4 ICTA88/S14 (3)
1997 1/4 ICTA88/S14 (3)
1998 1/4 ICTA88/S14 (3)