CTM20100 - ACT: set-off against CT on profits: contents
This chapter applies only in relation to accounting periods ending on orbefore 5 April 1999.
CTM20110Double taxation relief
CTM20120Amount available
CTM20160Surplus ACT
CTM20170Surplus ACT carry back
CTM20180When a claim could be made
CTM20190Form of claim
CTM20200Withdrawal or variation of claims
CTM20210Repayment from carry-back of surplus
CTM20220Interest advantage pre pay and file
CTM20230Not creating surplus ACT
CTM20240Time limit
CTM20250Carry-forward surplus ACT
CTM20260Excessive set-off
CTM20300Capacity buying - introduction
CTM20310Capacity buying - conditions
CTM20320Capacity buying - meaning of 'major change'
CTM20330Capacity buying - effect of applying rules