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CTM36520 - Particular topics: companies in partnership: different classes of partner

The three-stage approach set out CTM36510 also applies where it is necessary to calculate and apportion profits where different classes of member are to be taxed by reference to different rules.


A UK partnership has two corporate members; Company A - a UK resident, and Company B - non-resident. Profits are shared equally. The partnership’s worldwide profits chargeable as trading income amount to £10,000 of which £7,500 is earned in the UK.

Computation for UK resident member

Step 1 Calculate the profits as if all the members were UK resident companies:

Profit £10,000.

Step 2 Allocate that profit between all the members:

Company A £5,000.

Company B £5,000.

Step 3 Assess Company A on its share of that profit:


Computation for non-resident member

Step 1 Calculate the profits as if all the members were non-resident companies:

Profit £7,500.

Step 2 Allocate that profit between all the members:

Company A £3,750.

Company B £3,750.

Step 3 Assess Company B on its share of that profit:
