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CTM40600 - Particular bodies: insurance companies

The records for

  • any UK resident insurance company which starts to trade, or
  • any non UK-resident insurance company which starts to trade in the UK through a permanent establishment (or branch or agency)

should be sent to LB (Financial) - refere to the Sector Lead. If possible, the report should indicate which classes of business it undertakes.

The Sector Lead should also be informed when it becomes apparent for the first time that an insurance company which is not dealt with in a specialist office:

  • is carrying on insurance business otherwise than on a mutual basis,


  • is not resident in the UK and has a presence in the UK which is claimed to be a representative or contact office and not to amount to a permanent establishment (or branch or agency) through which business is carried on.

Registered friendly societies are covered in CTM40300 onwards.