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CRG1050 - Introduction: The role of CPST and CCAST

Throughout this guidance you will find reference to two HQ teams: the Complaints Policy and Strategy Team (CPST) and the Central Complaints Advice and Support Team (CCAST). CPST is housed in Central Customer & Strategy Directorate, while CCAST is housed in Customer Directorate. The two teams work closely together and their roles are complementary.

CPST is responsible for:

  • policy and guidance on complaints, including redress, and how they are handled in HMRC.
  • monitoring changes in customer needs and government policy and making sure our complaint policies and guidance keep pace.
  • the Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the Adjudicator.
  • measuring and reporting on complaints handling performance across HMRC.
  • the HMRC complaints handling system – CHART and ECCS.

Please note we have responsibility for complaints policy only and we are unable to advise about any other specific policy issues.

If you have a query about an operational policy, please consult the Tax Administration Directorate ( for the appropriate contact.

CCAST is responsible for:

  • giving advice on specific cases, including issues concerning financial redress, to business areas across the department, aiming to respond within 5 working days.
  • helping with complex or contentious cases to ensure decisions are robust and reflect policy intention
  • providing the link between operational complaints handling teams and CPST by feeding operational issues and experiences into the policy making process
  • supporting robust complaints handling within business areas
  • supporting the Adjudicator’s and Ombudsman’s handling of case enquiries, giving advice and helping to achieve an agreed outcome
  • supporting the Processing business in developing a system for learning lessons from complaints
  • devising and delivering workshops on improving complaints handling, including financial redress issues and letter writing
  • providing assurance to CPST that policy is fit for purpose and is being implemented reasonably and consistently across HMRC.