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CECCG16200 - England & Wales: IOPC Managed Investigations

When a complaint is of such significance and probable public concern that the direct involvement of the IOPC is necessary but there is no need for an independent investigation, the IOPC may determine a managed investigation should take place.

A managed investigation is conducted by HMRC or by the Police (where there is a criminal allegation such as serious assault) under the direction and control of the IOPC.

The IOPC is responsible for setting the Terms of Reference (ToRs) for the investigation in consultation with HMRC (or the Police) and may require that no appointment of an officer to investigate the complaint is made by HMRC without the approval of the IOPC.  The investigating officer will usually be from Internal Investigations.

The IOPC Case Manager manages the investigation and receives regular progress reports from HMRC (or, where appropriate, the Police). Responsibility for maintaining the record of decisions and for conducting timely investigation rests with the IOPC.

There is no right of appeal in a managed investigation. If the complainant continues to be unhappy, they can apply for Judicial Review.