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CHG700 - Recording complaints

All complaints (ie those expressions of dissatisfaction which were not “resolved at initial contact” and therefore sorted out quickly and informally with the customer) must be recorded promptly on the Complaints Handling Analysis & Reporting Tool (CHART) if they are received in the business on or after 1 March 2023. Any complaints received before this date should still be recorded on the Enterprise Complaints and Correspondence System (ECCS). Prompt recording ensures that reports created from the system and sent to senior managers are accurate and reflect the real-time position. Accurate and prompt recording also helps us to comply with certain obligations and requirements, such as those imposed by the Equality Act 2010, and the Revenue and Customs (Complaints and Misconduct) Regulations 2010.

If you do not have access to CHART you must ensure that you pass on the details of the complaint to someone in your business unit who does have access. Guidance on how to use CHART can be found here – CHART SharePoint.