CHG850 - Dealing with complaints: Checklist for preparing replies to complaints
- is the complainant’s name and address right?
- is the letter properly dated?
- does it show your contact details?
- have you answered all the points?
- is the response accurate in all respects?
- have you apologised for anything which went wrong?
- have you explained your reasoning?
- have you explained what, if anything, will happen next?
- have you used appropriate, straightforward language - and is your reply jargon-free?
- has financial redress been considered?
- have you explained how the complainant can take things further?
- if you intend to ask a colleague to consider a procedure, form etc, have you told the complainant?
- (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
- if you did not work for the department, would you understand what you have written?