CH480100 - The managing serious defaulters (MSD) programme: contents
This page and chapter are under review as the relevant content is also published in the technical guidance chapters of the Compliance Handbook, within Compliance checks factsheets and in Compliance checks guidance. If you use particular pages regularly, please email to let us know the specific content you find useful.
CH480200What you need to do
CH480250Serious Defaulters Management Unit (SDMU)
CH480300How to make a referral to the SDMU
CH480350What happens after the case has been referred to the SDMU
CH480400Who will be considered for inclusion in MSD?
CH480450Who will not be included in MSD?
CH480500SDMU decide that inclusion is not appropriate
CH480550SDMU decide that inclusion is appropriate
CH480600How will a deliberate defaulter be affected?
CH480650Customer contact
CH480700Publishing details of deliberate defaulters (PDDD)
CH480750Self sourced cases
CH480800Receiving a mandatory MSD case for a compliance check
CH480850Exit from the programme
CH480900RIS identify persons within MSD as part of their normal day to day risking process
CH480950Monitoring all entities associated with a person entering MSD
CH481000Compliance Measures - enhanced scoring of future revenue benefit (FRB)
CH481100Further information