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CISR31020 - Register and maintain contractor: overview: ‘contractor schemes’ window

| CISR31600 | Action guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————–|

To view contractor ‘Schemes’ window

Where a CIS record exists and you have the necessary access rights, you will be able to view a list of contractor schemes recorded against a customer’s UTR. In order to view this contractor list you must first successfully authenticate the customer, their representative or the source of correspondence initiating the enquiry, (unless you are satisfied it is appropriate to bypass authentication) and enter the CIS record using the customers UTR.

From the CIS Main Menu window this will show you any known current or historical contractor schemes associated with the customer you have selected. If there are more schemes to view than can be listed on the first page you should select either the subsequent page number or [next] to view the remainder on subsequent pages.

However, if you access a contractor’s record using a scheme Employers reference or Accounts Office reference you will only be able to see the details for that particular scheme, and not any other schemes held (if there are any) for the same contractor.

The information displayed on the Contractor Schemes panel of the CIS Main Menu window is as follows:

Name - Name of the contractor scheme taken from the EBS record.

AO Reference - The reference used to identify each Accounts Office record which is the reference under which the contractor makes payments of any deductions made to HMRC.

Employers Reference - The EBS reference used to identify an employer for the purposes of PAYE.

Status - The current status of the scheme, which will be shown as Active, Inactive, Ceased, Merged, Succeeded, Cancelled or ‘No Longer CIS’.

View Scheme Details

If you then wish to view records for any of the schemes listed, you should tick the box beside the scheme that you wish to view and then select ‘View Customer’ from the Main Menu. This will enable you to view further details related to that scheme from within the ‘Scheme Details’ window.