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CISR31030 - Register and maintain contractor: Contractor ‘Scheme Details’ window

| CISR31600 | Action guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————–|

To View Contractor ‘Scheme Details’ window

This section explains the information displayed on the ‘Scheme Details’ window.

Once the scheme has been set up on the EBS system an overnight process will run to establish the link from EBS to CIS. You will then be able to access the contractor record on CIS by one of three ways;

  • Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) - this will display all contractor schemes associated with that UTR.
  • Accounts Office (AO) reference - this will display the contractor record associated with that AO reference only
  • Employer Reference - this will display the contractor record associated with that employer reference only

Only limited changes can be made to a contractor scheme record on CIS and only whilst the scheme remains ‘Active’. No changes can however be made from the function ’View Customer’ from which as the name intimates is a view facility only. Any amendments needing to be made to the scheme records must be made through the EBS system, with limited changes to CIS being made through the ‘Update Customer’ function.

Scheme Details

From the Scheme Details window you are able to view details of all information held relating to the contractor scheme selected. The available tabs within this window to access this information are:

  • Scheme Details
  • Scheme Returns
  • Scheme Verifications
  • Scheme Agent Details
  • Scheme Penalties
  • Scheme Inhibitions
  • Scheme Settlement Details
  • Scheme EOY Totals

For a more detailed account for each of these areas refer to CISR90000 onwards.