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CISR31040 - Register and maintain contractor: overview: set up new contractor scheme

| CISR31600 | Action guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————–|

To set up a new contractor Scheme

To set up a contractor scheme on CIS the following is necessary

  • an open XP or PSC scheme for the contractor on EBS

An EBS scheme of the appropriate scheme type will be created as notified by the New Employers Helpline or the Centralised Employers team (NICEO) of the contractors intention to engage subcontractors.

NICEO should then complete a form P510 and send it to the SA or COTAX Processing Office to inform them of the EBS reference for the contractor.

Note: Any contractor or agent who contacts the contractor’s Processing Office to ask about setting up as an employer for an XP or PSC scheme should be asked to direct their enquiry to the New Employer Helpline (NESI) by either

  • A telephone call to NESI on 0300 200 3211


  • Sending their new employer details to NESI through the New Employer Helpline email facility.

Once a EBS record is set up with an XP or PSC setting, a daily update of the CIS system will draw details of the scheme from the EBS system onto the CIS system. That data will be maintained by the same daily update so long as the scheme is active.