CISR42000 - Register and maintain subcontractor: the registration process: contents
CISR42020Application forms (Issue and completion)
CISR42030Application by internet
CISR42040Application by telephone
CISR42050Sole trader applications
CISR42060Partnership applications
CISR42070Company applications
CISR42080Trust applications
CISR42090Unincorporated Body applications
CISR42100Joint Venture applications
CISR42110Applicants in voluntary arrangements
CISR42120Applicants with power of attorney
CISR42130Applications from non-residents and companies not incorporated in the UK
CISR42140Applications in Welsh
CISR42150Identity checks
CISR42160Identification documents
CISR42180Setting the ‘Inhibit Output’ signal
CISR42190Registration of subcontractors by NICO or the CT CIS Centre Hull where payments have already been made to the subcontractor or company subcontractor within CIS
CISR42200Registration for CIS - problem cases
CISR42600Action guide contents