CISR42600 - Register and maintain subcontractor: the registration process: contents
CISR42620Register sole trader for Payment Under Deduction
CISR42630Register sole trader for Gross Payment
CISR42640Register partnership for Payment Under Deduction
CISR42650Register partnership for Gross Payment
CISR42660Register company for Payment Under Deduction
CISR42670Register company for Gross Payment
CISR42680Register trust for Payment Under Deduction
CISR42690Register trust for Gross Payment
CISR42700Register unincorporated body for Payment Under Deduction
CISR42710Register unincorporated body for Gross Payment
CISR42720Foreign Nationals/Concerns applying for gross payment status
CISR42730Joint concerns / ventures
CISR42740Registration of subcontractors by NICO or the CT CIS Centre Hull where payments have already been made to the subcontractor or company subcontractor within CIS
CISR42750Registration for CIS - problem cases