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CISR63640 - Monthly return: log and capture monthly return: how to manually capture data from a monthly return - long route

| CISR63000 | Information contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————-|

There are two routes you can take to capture data from a monthly return. The long route is below. CISR63650 has the shortcut route.

Long route

Important Note

Before entering data in the relevant fields, be aware that the details are sometimes displayed in a different order on the monthly return to that shown on the screens.

  1. At the ‘identify customer’ window enter the following reference types:
  • Unique Taxpayer (UTR), or
  • Accounts Office (AO).

Always enter the AO reference if you have it, as well at the UTR if it is shown on the return.

(Note, the system remembers reference numbers already entered today, so you may only need to enter the first couple of digits.)

  1. Under ‘contact’ use the drop-down menu to select ‘internal enquiry’. This disables the ‘channel’ drop-down box.
  2. Select ‘OK’. This will take you to the ‘CIS main menu’ window.
  3. Check the small box to the left-hand side of the scheme for which you wish to log a return, then select ‘Return capture – paper’. This will take you to the ‘Return Details’ window where the appropriate reference numbers will be pre-populated.
  4. Enter the end date of the period covered by the return. This will always be the 5th day of the month and so all you need to enter is the month and year in the format mm / yyyy
  5. If necessary change the date of receipt. This will default to today’s date. You can enter a retrospective date but you cannot set a future date.
  6. Select ‘Type of return’ (pre-populated or manual), then
  7. Select ‘Log and Capture’. This will take you to the ‘capture payments’ window.

Before entering any further data remember the important note above. Do not forget that in some instances the details are displayed in a different order on the monthly return to that shown on the screens.

For pre-populated subcontractors, follow steps (9) to (11) below

For non-pre-populated subcontractors, follow steps (12) and (13) below

Note that for ease of viewing the names of successive subcontractors are displayed on alternating white and dark grey backgrounds. These colours have no significance and are there only to make viewing the subcontractors easier.

  1. (Pre-populated entries only). Select the relevant subcontractors’ name or UTR from the drop-down list on the left-hand side of the window. When you select a subcontractors name or UTR this populates the ‘subcontractor details’ column on the right-hand side of the window with both the name and the UTR for the subcontractor. The UTR’s and verification numbers displayed in those fields under ‘Find Verified Subcontractor’ are arranged alphabetically according to the name of the subcontractor.
  2. (Pre-populated entries only). Check that the UTR and verification number match what has been entered on the return and change details on the CIS record if needed.
  3. (Pre-populated entries only). In the ‘payment details’ box, copy the relevant payment details from the return (total payments, cost of materials and deduction made), then select the ‘add ’ button. This automatically populates the ‘payment field’ below. Repeat steps (9) to (11) for each pre-populated subcontractor. Remember to include subcontractors from the main return and any continuation sheets.

If you make a mistake, simply select small box to the left of the entry in the ‘payments details’ box, then select the ‘remove’ button. This will clear the entry and allow you to enter the right details.

Now go to step (14) below.

  1. (Non-pre-populated entries only). Copy the subcontractors name and the relevant UTR, NINO or CRN and verification numbers from the return to the ‘Subcontractor Details’ column. If copying the CRN you should ignore the first 2 letters which form part of the CRN and enter only the numbers within the relevant field. For example, where the CRN is CL0383491 enter 0383491.
  2. (Non-pre-populated entries only). In the ‘payment details’ box, copy the relevant payment details from the return, then select ‘add’. This automatically populates the ‘payment field’ below. Repeat steps (9) to (11) for each non-pre-populated subcontractor. Remember to include subcontractors from the main return and any continuation sheets.

If you make a mistake, simply select small box to the left of the entry in the ‘payments details’ box, then select the ‘remove’ button. This will clear the entry and allow you to enter the right details.

Now go to step (14) below.

  1. When you are happy that you have correctly captured information from the return and any continuation sheets, select ‘OK’. This will take you to the ‘Confirmation Details’ window.

If you are (for example) interrupted during capture, you can select the ‘Save Partial’ button. This will take you back to the CIS main menu.

To retrieve a partially saved return, follow steps (1) to (8), then select ‘Log & Capture’. The ‘Returns Details’ window will then display a message ‘a return for this period has already been logged / partially captured’. Selecting ‘continue capture’ will take you back to the window you were in when you partially saved.

Note that when you retrieve a partially captured return, the subcontractors for whom payment details have already been captured will not be displayed in the same order as that in which they were originally captured. Instead, they will always be displayed in alphabetical name order.

A similar warning message (“A return for this period has already been logged / partially captured”) will also be shown if you attempt to capture a return that has already been logged only, or a return that has previously been submitted as an out of time future dated return (see CISR63100 for more information).

  1. At the ‘Confirmation Details’ window, copy the relevant information from the return. Note that the ‘Declaration has been signed?’ box must be checked or an error message will appear. This tells you that ‘if form is unsigned you cannot continue with capture’. Then select ‘OK’. This will take you back to the ‘CIS main menu’ window.

Important Note

There will be no confirmation messages when you complete any of the following actions:

  • partially save
  • remove a payment
  • successfully capture.