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CISR68700 - Monthly return: Rapid Data Capture (RDC) guidance: pre populated and manual return capture

| CISR68000 | Information guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|—————————-|

Before starting to capture a contractor’s monthly return, check that it is signed. Then decide whether to use the short or long route to manually capture the return. The long route has the advantage of allowing partial capture of a return which the short route does not permit.

Instructions for the short route:

  1. On the ‘Identify Customer Window’ select the ‘Paper Log and Capture’ button. This will take you to the ‘Return Details’ window.
  2. Enter the AO Reference.
  3. If the UTR is present, enter it on the window. (If it is absent, capture can proceed but, if present, it must be entered or a work item will be created.)
  4. Enter the return period. If this is either illegible or absent see CISR68740.
  5. If necessary, change the ‘Date of Receipt’ as it will be pre-populated with today’s date.
  6. Select ‘Type of Return’. This can be either ‘Pre-populated’ (if CIS300) or ‘Manual’ where the return is a CIS300 (man).
  7. Proceed as detailed at section 1 below.

Instructions for the long route:

  1. On the ‘Identify Customer Window’ enter the UTR or AO reference.
  2. Select ‘Internal Enquiry’ from the ‘Contact’ field and then ‘OK’.
  3. From the CIS Main Menu select ‘Return Capture Paper’.
  4. Enter the return period.
  5. If necessary, change the date of receipt as this will be pre-populated with today’s date.
  6. Select ‘Type of Return’. This can be either ‘Pre-populated’ (if CIS300) or ‘Manual’ where the return is a CIS300 (man).
  7. Check that the scheme information is correct.
  8. Proceed as detailed at section 1 immediately below.

Section 1

If the return has monetary values detailed on it, continue as follows:

  • Select the ‘Log & Capture’ button. This takes you to the ‘Capture Payments’ window.
  • For pre-populated subcontractors on the return, select the subcontractor’s name or UTR from the drop down list. (Names on the window which are pre-populated on the return should be in alphabetical order.) This populates the opposite column (Subcontractor Details) with both the name and UTR of the subcontractor. Check that the UTR & Verification Number match what is on the return and, if necessary, change.
  • Under the ‘Payment Details’ column enter the subcontractor payment details from the return (that is, the total payments, cost of materials and total deduction made). Then select the ‘Add’ button. Do this for each pre-populated subcontractor on the return and any pre-populated continuation sheets.

Where there is no monetary value (for example, as indicated on the return by 0.00, nil, zero, none or a blank space) leave the field on the window for that subcontractor blank.

For subcontractors that are manually entered on the return, under the ‘Subcontractor Details’ column on the window:-

  • Enter the UTR, Subcontractor Name, National Insurance Number (NINO) or Company Reference Number (CRN) and Verification Number as detailed on the return. If any of the entries are missing from the return continue to the next field.
  • Under the ‘Payment Details’ column add payment details (total payments, cost of materials and total deduction made). Then select the ‘Add’ button. Do this for each manually entered subcontractor on the return and any continuation sheets.

Note that where subcontractors’ names are entered manually on the return, they may already be held in the drop down list on the window. Therefore, check this list before entering the subcontractor’s details on the window. Also, be aware that a subcontractor may be listed twice under both a matched and an unmatched verification number.

When complete:-

  • Select the [OK] button. This takes you to the ‘Confirmation details’ window.
  • Complete the check boxes as appropriate. Please note that if there are any marks in these boxes on the return, the corresponding check box on the ‘confirmation details’ window must be completed.
  • Check the ‘Contact Details’ on the return. To do so:-
  • compare the contact details on CIS with those on the contractor’s return. Where the contact details match the pre-printed contractor’s return, no action is required
  • where the contact details on CIS match the details manually written on the return, no action is required
  • where the contact details on CIS do not match those manually written on the return, the user should update the contact details on CIS using the information manually written on the return
  • Select [OK]. This takes the user back to the ‘Identify Customer’ window.

Section 2

If the contractor’s return has no monetary values detailed on it, continue as follows

  • Select the ‘Nil Return’ button. This takes you to the ‘Confirmation details’ window.
  • Complete the boxes as appropriate. Please note that if there are any marks in these boxes on the return, the corresponding check box on the ‘confirmation details’ window must be completed.
  • Check ‘Contact Details’ as described in section 1 above.
  • Select [OK]. This takes the user back to the ’Identify Customer’ window.