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CISR68710 - Monthly return: Rapid Data Capture (RDC) guidance: warning messages

| CISR68000 | Information guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|—————————-|

In the following two situations you may encounter a warning message saying ‘Invalid AO Ref’ with an exclamation mark being displayed alongside the relevant field when you select the [Log and Capture] button.

  1. If you enter an invalid AO reference
  2. If you do not enter an AO reference

If the AO Reference has been entered incorrectly, re-enter and then continue. If, however, no AO reference is available, then CIS will allow you to continue with log and capture.

If you enter a return period that is invalid, when you select the ‘Log & Capture’ button, a warning message saying ’Return Period validation failed’ will be displayed. Check the period and if you have entered it correctly on the window, continue with log and capture. If the period has been entered incorrectly, re-enter and continue.