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CISR90110 - View Customer and Record Contact: Contractor Designatory Details


Having followed the steps listed at CISR90020 to gain access to view a contractor scheme, and then selected View Customer from the CIS Main Menu, the next window visible will be the ‘Scheme Details’ window. From this window you should select the [Designatory Details] button at the bottom of the window. You can also access [Designatory Details] in the same way from the [Business and Turnover Test Details], [TTQT Results] and [Agent Details] windows. To do so you should thus select this button from any of these windows.

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Designatory Details window

This window is divided into two panels. The upper panel contains key relevant information relating to that customer and enables you to view the various addresses connected to the customer. Making a selection from the drop down menu will cause the address details, which are directly below the drop down menu to change accordingly. The selections being:

  • CIS Communication Address - This will be the address given by the CIS contractor or subcontractor either at the time of registration or during a subsequent change of circumstances, to which CIS correspondence should be directed. This address is optional and if not present the HMRC Base Address should be used.
  • HMRC Base Address - This will be an address given by a CIS contractor or subcontractor on another HMRC system as their registered address. This address is mandatory.

For sole traders this will be the Base Address on CID

For partnerships and trusts this will be the Base Address on SA

For companies and un/incorporated bodies this will be the COTAX registered office address.

  • HMRC Communication Address - This will be an address given by a CIS contractor or subcontractor on another HMRC system to which they have requested general HMRC correspondence should be directed. This address is optional and if not present correspondence should be delivered to the mandatory address relevant to the scheme as detailed under the HMRC Base Address above.

You can also view the various telephone numbers held for the customer by making a selection from the drop-down menu. (The telephone numbers listed will vary depending on the record being viewed). The order in which the numbers are listed should be the priority in which they are used:

  • For sole traders - daytime, evening, then mobile number
  • For Partnerships - main contact number only
  • For Un/Incorporated Bodies - registration, communication, then capacitor address telephone no.

Special Needs -Upon request information can be produced in an alternative format for customers with special needs. The entries shown will be Standard, Braille, Large Print, Audio or Welsh Language.

The lower panel contains details of any signals set on the contractors’ scheme record, for example:

  • Capacity signal
  • Insolvency Indicator
  • Under Investigation.

If you then wished to obtain further information relating to the signals in this panel you would view this from the Supplementary Details window.