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CISR90120 - View Customer and Record Contact: Contractor Supplementary Details


Having followed the steps listed at CISR90020 to gain access to view a contractor scheme, and then selected View Customer from the CIS Main Menu, the next window visible will be the ‘Scheme Details’ window.

As you can only access the Supplementary Details for a customer by first entering the Designatory Details window, you must now select the Designatory Details button at the bottom left hand corner of the window. From here, you should select the [Supplementary Details] tab at the top of the window to proceed.

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Supplementary Details window

Further information relating to any of the signals set within the Designatory Details window will be found here.

If the following signals had been set:

Capacity signal - You would be able to view the name, role and address of the capacitor

Insolvency Indicator - you would view the date of the insolvency

Under Investigation - entries revealing details of any Civil/Criminal Investigation being carried out, the office undertaking the investigation and the commencement and cessation details within this panel. Only details of the latest review will be shown.