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CISR90270 - View Customer and Record Contact: Record Contact

| CISR90600 | Action Guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————–|

This function will enable users to record details of contacts to and from colleagues, customers, agents and third parties onto the CIS system. This will be necessary in instances where that contact does not result in an automatically system generated record being made within Contact History. Users will be able to record details of internal referrals, letters, telephone calls and face to face contact with the customer or their representative.

There is also a ‘General Notes’ area where the user is able to enter free format relevant notes (of up to 512 characters in a session) relating to a contact. However, this area should only be used to record data that cannot be captured in any of the structured fields offered and should relate to that enquiry only. Once an entry is ‘saved’ onto the system it will not be possible to subsequently edit or delete it.

If you wish to record a contact relating to a partnership you will need to go into each partner’s CIS record to do this, as the partnership CIS record will not hold any contact notes.

To access this functionality the user will need to hold the CISR Processor, CISR Processor Manager or CISR Penalty Administrator roles.

Examples of when it would be appropriate to use this function include the following situations

  • The referral of a customer enquiry by the Contact Centre to a Local Office recording that a Work Area Mailbox (WAM) had been sent.
  • A Local Office recording any attempts to contact the customer, or other action taken when they are unable to resolve the WAM.
  • Recording details of any letters or forms issued by HMRC where there is no automated system output.
  • Recording any face to face contacts with the customer where this results in no automated system output.
  • Recording any written correspondence from the customer which is not usually recorded within the Contact History record, for example letters of complaint.
  • Situations where general advice is given to the customer or agent and a note of the contact needs to be kept.
  • Recording brief notes or actions by a compliance officer following an interview that affects the CIS position

The operator’s PID should be entered alongside any entries made as the system will record only the date and time of any entries. All entries should be clear and concise and be compliant with the Data Protection Act/Freedom of Information Act. Abbreviations and acronyms should also be avoided to ensure the note will be understandable to others.

Once the user has ended and recorded the contact these details will be written away to the Contact History Framework and will be available for viewing within ‘Contact History’. In the majority of instances this will be within a few seconds but it could be up to five minutes before it is visible.

If the contact involves more than one enquiry this should be recorded as one contact with the appropriate number of enquiries and separate details recorded for each. You should also note that if the user adds multiple entries relating to several enquiries in one session the first (or earlier) enquiries will not be viewable until the user has ended the contact.

Please refer to the Action Guide: Record Contact at CISR90610 for instructions on how to record a contact.