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CISR90610 - View Customer and Record Contact; Record Contact

| CISR90000 | Information contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————-|

This Action Guide outlines the process involved when an operator decides there is a need to record a contact between HMRC and the customer, agent or third party where details of that contact will not automatically be written to Contact History by the CIS system. The operator will need to hold the CISR Processor, CISR Processor Manager or the CISR Penalty Administrator roles.

After authenticating the contact successfully, or waiving authentication if appropriate, the user will arrive at the CIS Main Menu window. From here;

  • Select the desired subcontractor or contractor reference number
  • Select ‘Record Contact’ from the menu.

The window now visible will be ‘Record Contact’. This is pre-populated with the contractor or subcontractor name and reference (dependent on the registration number selected within the Main Menu), as well as the name of the current contact you have just authenticated and the contactor type: contractor, subcontractor, agent, capacitor or third party.

Where you wish to make a contact history note for a partnership, you will need to enter this on each partners own CIS record. You can do this by going into the CIS Main menu with the partnership UTR, and then selecting the checkbox for each of the partners and then ‘Record contact’ from the menu. Alternatively, enter each partner’s UTR directly into CIS and then ‘Record contact’.

The remaining fields are as follows;

  • Contact Direction. Select from either ‘Inbound’ or ‘Outbound’. This should be set to ‘Inbound’ except where the contact is ‘phone outbound’ or ‘Internal Enquiry’ was selected on the ‘Identify Customer’ window. If ‘Internal Enquiry’ was selected the contact selection will display ‘Outbound’ and will not be amendable by the operator.
  • Enquiry Date. This will be pre-populated with today’s date but can be changed to any date between 6th April 2008 and ‘today’s date’.
  • Subject A selection should be made from the drop down menu dependent on the enquiry, choosing from: Internal Referral, Letter, Callback, Complaint, or ‘Other’. If ‘Other’ is selected an entry must be made in the following field ‘Action Taken’.
  • Action Taken. Here you should describe the business activity that was taken by the operator in response to the enquiry. You cannot enter more than 100 characters in each session within this area. The operators PID should be entered alongside any entries made as CIS will record only the date and time of any entries. If for example the contact involved a referral from a contact centre to a local office, the title of the WAM could be entered here and the text from the WAM then entered in the ‘General Notes’ area below.
  • General Notes. This field is optional (and can hold up to 512 characters in any one session). All entries should be clear and concise and the details should be compliant with the Data Protection Act/Freedom of Information Act. You should also, try to avoid using abbreviations and acronyms to be sure the note will be understandable to others. Any notes entered here will be visible within Contact History on selection of the appropriate ‘subject’ details. Again the operators PID should be entered alongside any entries made as CIS will record only the date and time of any entries. It is important to note that once an entry has been ‘saved’ onto the system it will not be possible to subsequently edit or delete it.
  • Selecting the [OK] button will save any changes made and returns you to the CIS Main menu.
  • You should now select [End Contact], at which point the data entered will be transferred over to Contact History and be available to view.
  • Selecting the [Cancel] button will return you to the CIS Main menu and all changes made will be lost.