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CIRD00520 - Introduction to manual: abbreviations used

The following abbreviations are used in the CIRD manual:

  • CAA - Capital Allowances Act
  • CG/CGT - Capital Gains/Capital Gains Tax
  • CT - Corporation Tax
  • CTA - Corporation Tax Act
  • DTI - Department of Trade and Industry
  • EC - European Commission
  • EU - European Union
  • FA - Finance Act
  • FRS - Financial Reporting Standards
  • GAAP - Generally accepted accounting practice
  • HMRC - HM Revenue & Customs
  • IAS - International Accounting Standards
  • ICTA - Income & Corporation Taxes Act
  • IFRS - International Finance Reporting Standards
  • IRU - Indefeasible rights to use telecommunications cable systems
  • ITEPA - Income tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act
  • ITTOIA - Income tax (Trading and Other Income) Act
  • LB - Large Business
  • R&D - Research and development
  • RDEC - Research and Development Expenditure Credit
  • SME - Small or medium size enterprise
  • SSAP - Statement of Standard Accounting Practice
  • TIOPA - Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Act
  • UK - United Kingdom
  • VAT - Value added tax
  • VRR - Vaccine research relief